10 TED talks that will genuinely improve your parenting skills

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These TED Talks will expand your knowledge and skills as a parent! See the list of expert seminars here!

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For those who might not know, TED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading ideas. They typically do so by hosting seminars and talks with experts in a wide variety of fields and publishing the talks across the internet.

While moms and dads will be enthralled by a multitude of TED Talks in a myriad of topics, there are dozens that parents can directly apply to parenting. In case you missed any of these awesome seminars for parents by parents, check them out here!

1.Deb Roy: The Birth Of A Word

In order to bridge the gap between context and language learning, director of the MIT Media Lab’s Cognitive Machines group, Deb Roy, wired his house and analyzed 90,000 hours of video and audio from his son’s first 3 years.


2. Jessica Shortall: The American Case for Paid Maternity Leave

Admittedly, the poor state of the American maternal leave doesn’t really have much of an effect here in Asia. However, it is an interesting topic, and food for thought. Not to mention that it’s always captivating to see a mother fighting for what she knows is right, and for the rights of her fellow mothers!


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Check out the reset of these insightful parenting TED Talks here! Click next to see the rest of the list!

3. Bruce Feiler: The Council Of Dads

After being diagnosed with cancer in 2008, Bruce Feiler assembled a group of close friends to stand in for him should he pass. Fortunately, the worst never happened, and Feiler lives to tell his tale as well as encourage dads to assemble and create a fellowship in which they can learn more about family, life, and love.


4. Gever Tulley: 5 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kids Do

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Sounds scary, right? Well, it’s certainly something to ruminate upon. Check out why Gever Tulley thinks there are some significant benefits to letting your kids engage in dangerous acts.


5. Jennifer Senior: For Parents, Happiness Is A Very High Bar

Jennifer Senior, author of the New York Times bestseller, All Joy And No Fun: The Paradox Of Modern Parenting, explains how raising happy kids has become a crisis for parents in the modern age.

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6. Cameron Herold: Let’s Raise Kids To Be Entrepreneurs

Cameron Herold, head of BackPocket, informs the audience how embedding concepts like tenacity and leadership have an unmatched level of importance for children. Learn how these, and other traits, can be particularly advantageous for children to develop.


Check out the reset of these insightful parenting TED Talks here! Click next to see the rest of the list!

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7. Ziauddin Yousafzai: My Daughter, Malala

Ziauddin Yousafzai discusses the importance of, and his fight for, equal education for boys and girls in developing countries.


8. Julia Sweeney: It’s Time For “The Talk”

Mommy/comedian Julia Sweeny hilariously retells how she broke down the birds and the bees to her daughter. When is it the right time to talk about sex with your kids? Learn more here.


9. Adora Svitak: What Adults Can Learn From Kids

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Adora Svitak may be only 12 years old, but she’s already written an Amazon-bestselling writing reference book for kids. Find out why parents have a lot to learn form their kids and why!


10. Sir Ken Robinson: Do Schools Kill Creativity?

Sir Ken Robinson, the British government’s advisory committee on creative and cultural education, and New York Times bestselling author discusses the state of education and how he believes there is no emphasis on creativity.


This article was originally shared by Fatherly

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