100 Inspiring Filipina Moms Who Are Making a Difference: Part 6

In our ongoing series spotlighting inspiring Filipina moms, we introduce another group of exceptional women. These remarkable individuals have not only excelled in their fields but also embraced motherhood with remarkable strength and grace.

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Filipina moms have always been a beacon of strength, resilience, and inspiration. Their remarkable achievements and unwavering dedication to their families and communities are truly commendable. Here are 10 inspiring Filipina moms who have made significant contributions in various fields, proving that motherhood and professional success can go hand in hand.

Dr. Vermen Verallo-Rowell

Dr. Vermen Verallo-Rowell is an illustrious figure in dermatology, pioneering dermatopathology in the Philippines. Born in 1939, her journey began with classical piano and accelerated through academia, earning her medical degree by 21. With nearly 300 papers published globally, she mentors residents and cares for thousands of patients, shaping dermatology’s future.

Beyond medicine, Dr. Verallo-Rowell’s life epitomizes human potential. A licensed pilot and advocate for fitness and meditation, she embodies holistic wellness. Yet, her greatest legacy lies in balancing career demands with familial love. As a devoted mother, she taught her children the art of balance, instilling a profound appreciation for embracing life’s contradictions and the “Both-And” philosophy.

Beverly Wico Siy

Beverly Wico Siy is a dedicated mother, award-winning writer, and cultural worker known for her contributions to the literary and cultural scenes in the Philippines. She devotes herself to various advocacies, particularly in promoting literacy and writing among the youth. During the COVID crisis, she put up the “Dagdag Dunong Community Children’s Library”, a book space in front of their house in Bacoor, Cavite that catered to the kids in the neighborhood. It was a unique version of Ana Patricia Non’s community pantry.

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Beverly’s efforts have also led to the establishment or continuation of several writing workshops, including the Valenzuela Writers’ Workshop and the Pasig Writers’ Workshop. These platforms have provided aspiring writers with the guidance and opportunities to develop their craft.

In addition to her literary initiatives, Beverly is a staunch advocate for artists’ rights, particularly in the realm of copyright and intellectual property. She actively campaigns to ensure that artists are properly credited and compensated for their work, recognizing the vital importance of protecting creative outputs.

Beverly’s personal life also reflects her commitment to advocacy. As a devoted mother to her three children, she passionately supports autism awareness. Her younger son has autism, and this has inspired her and her husband to empower other parents facing similar challenges. Through writing about autism via social media, they aim to provide support, raise awareness, and promote understanding about autism in the broader community.

Beverly Wico Siy’s multifaceted contributions as a writer, cultural worker, and advocate highlight her unwavering dedication to both her professional pursuits and her personal commitments. Her work continues to inspire and uplift many, fostering a richer cultural and intellectual landscape in the Philippines.

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Karla Bascon

Mommy Karla, the creator behind Si Nanay At Ako, embarked on her journey as an aspiring mommy content creator in 2020. Sharing her experiences as a first-time mom, she delves into topics ranging from parenting insights to product reviews beneficial for both moms and kids alike.

Patricia Contreras-Uichico

Patricia Contreras-Uichico is a nurse-businesswoman, dedicated wife, and mother who has donated over 800 units of breast milk to babies in need. She helps local brands build their businesses and is a seafood tycoon. Patricia also uses online platforms to coach new moms, particularly in the breastfeeding and breast-pumping community. Her efforts in motherhood and entrepreneurship make her a modern-day role model.

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Madiskarteng Mommy (Mary Nelfa Recopuerto)

Mary Nelfa Recopuerto, known as Madiskarteng Mommy, left her teaching career to focus on motherhood and content creation. Her Facebook page, Madiskarteng Mommy, has garnered over 1.3 million views with real-life, relatable content about motherhood, marriage, and Christian living. Mary inspires many moms to pursue their passions and dreams, demonstrating courage and resilience in every aspect of her life.

Maan Salinda-Sison

Maan Salinda-Sison is a twin mom who juggles the challenges of a high-risk pregnancy, raising NICU twins, earning a master’s degree, and working full-time as a hiring manager. Despite her own health struggles, Maan’s exceptional resilience and commitment to her family make her a source of inspiration for other moms, especially those with twins.

Gleire Guardiano

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Gleire Guardiano, affectionately known as Mommy GL, is the founder of Usapang Nanay, a community dedicated to empowering mothers. Beyond her role as a mother of two, Mommy GL is an avid mountaineer, finding balance and adventure in nature. Her efforts to build supportive communities for moms highlight her multifaceted approach to life and motherhood.

Eloisa Ayson

Eloisa Ayson, the creator of Team Ayson, is a stay-at-home mom who expertly manages a dynamic online presence through cooking content and budol (impulse buying and product promotion) pages. She shares delicious, easy-to-follow recipes and meal-planning tips for busy families while providing honest insights and recommendations on various products. Eloisa’s content blends practical tips with relatable, real-life experiences, creating a supportive community for other parents and home cooks.

Cherry Concepcion

Cherry Concepcion is a dedicated midwife and nursing assistant who has brought countless lives into the world with her gentle touch and nurturing spirit. Beyond her professional life, she is a loving mother and grandmother who always supports and encourages her family. Cherry’s unwavering commitment to helping others and her positive outlook on life make her a true inspiration.

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Maria Lourdes Bundalian

Maria Lourdes Bundalian, or “Lou,” has worked tirelessly since she was 13 years old to support her family. Now at 56, she continues to care for her own family and her grandchildren with unconditional love. Lou’s big heart and willingness to help others exemplify the spirit of a true Filipina mom. Her dedication and resilience have made her a hero to her family and an inspiration to all who know her.

Lilibeth Magat Dela Cruz

Lilibeth Magat Dela Cruz is nominated for her unwavering dedication as a mother. She stood by her child during labor and beyond, teaching resilience and perseverance. Her selflessness, sacrificing her own desires for her child’s welfare, embodies the essence of motherhood. Her relentless support and love deserve recognition and honor.

In case you missed our previous features for 100 Inspiring Filipina Moms you can check it out here:

These remarkable women embody the strength, dedication, and love that define the true essence of motherhood. Their stories inspire us to strive for excellence in all aspects of our lives while nurturing our families with care and compassion.

Written by

Marhiel Garrote