15 Reasons Why Sex is Good for Your Health

Sex is a sensual form of intimacy between a couple, and it is fantastic for pleasure, as it is for health. Learn more from alternative medicine expert Dr. Cris Villanueva, who advocates sex for good health.

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“Sex heals!” Dr. Cris Villanueva, a leading expert in alternative medicine and the founder of Rapha Health Institute advocates this strongly in his talks and private consultations.

He has even listed down for us the reasons why sex is good for your health.

1. Longer Life

Dr. Villanueva notes that those who have sex twice a month live longer than those who have sex less than once a month.

A study done by the British Medical Journal in 1997 released that men who experienced orgasm twice or more per week reduced mortality by 50% compared to men who orgasmed once a month or less.

2. Healthy Heart

Having sex twice a week leads to 50% less likelihood of heart attack due to the testosterone levels and healthy blood flow that the activity promotes.

3. Sex reduces wrinkles by 50%

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A study done by the National Health Services has shown that sex reduces wrinkles. It presented that the endorphins released during sexual intercourse reduce stress levels, as well as stimulate the immune system, which both promote smooth, glowing skin.

4. Sex reduces blood pressure

According to Joseph J. Pinzone, MD, CEO and medical director of Amai Wellness, there have been many tests that prove that sex reduces systolic blood pressure, which is the first number on the blood pressure test.

Learn more about the benefits of sex on the next page.

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5. Sex lowers incidence of breast cancer

Health experts attest that that the oxytocin and the DHEA hormones released during sexual excitement and orgasm help protect us from cancer.

Also, it is scientifically noted that the male sperm produces an immune response in women, which also lowers the incidence of breast cancer.

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6. Sex lowers possibility of prostate cancer

It has been published on the Journal of the American Medical Association that men who ejaculate at least 21 times a month have the least possibility of acquiring prostate cancer.

7. Sex relieves pain and headaches

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Orgasm, according to Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD, a professor in Rutgers State University of New Jersey, has been proven to release a hormone that blocks the pain from and relieves headaches.

Komisaruk adds that “vaginal stimulation can block chronic back and leg pain, and that genital self-stimulation can reduce menstrual cramps, arthritic pain, and in some cases even headache.”

8. Sex reduces stress and anxiety

Sex may even be the silver lining of the stress cloud. Although simply giving and receiving hugs, touch, kisses and sexual arousal already release a feel-good hormone that transmits pleasure to your brain, boosts self-esteem and happiness, and in turn, relieves stress and anxiety.

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Studies also show that daily intercourse for two weeks leads to cell growth in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that keeps stress levels under control.

9. Sex promotes emotional bonding and increases oxytocin

The closer two bodies get, the deeper the emotions created; and oxytocin, “the love molecule”, is released, heightening intimacy.

10. Sex enhances the immune system

Health experts say that sexually active people have a higher level of immunity because of the protective mechanisms triggered during sex.

There’s more health goodness in sex, up next.

11. People who have frequent sex tend to be slimmer

Dr. Cris Villanueva says that sex burns 60 calories per encounter, the same as doing a 30-minute run or climbing up the stairs. This is because sex uses the muscles, as well as, pumps up the heart rate, which increases metabolism.

12. Sex raises testosterone levels, which is good for the heart and libido

A previous study was done on the sexual frequency of four couples. The tests showed that testosterone levels sky-rocketed on the nights when they made love, as compared to the nights when they did not.

So it does goes to show that sex is good for your heart and libido, as the cycle of sexual arousal and achieving better heart performance goes on and on.

13. Sex reduces menopause symptoms

Sex is known to release hormones that increase estrogen levels and relieve stress in the body, including menopause symptoms in middle-aged women.

Furthermore, sexually active menopausal women get to maintain vaginal lubrication and are less likely to suffer vaginal atrophy as they age.

Pelvic muscle (Kegel) exercises are also noted to enhance orgasm and guard against uterine and bladder problems later in life.

14. Sex produces more and healthier semen

A research done by the State University of New York concluded that the seminal fluid increased along with the occurrences of sexual intercourse.

Seminal fluid, as research suggests, contains chemicals that elevate mood, increase affection, induce sleep and also contain at least three anti-depressants.

15. Sex promotes good sleep and increases melatonin, which prevents cancer

Dr. Sheenie Ambardar shares that hormones that promote relaxation and sleepiness are released during sex.

The prolactin hormone is known to be responsible for feelings of relaxation and sleepiness.

So are you getting enough sex?

With these great health benefits that sex gives, it is time to include sex as a pleasure outlet in your daily routine, reaping its countless benefits.

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