What does my baby look like now? Does he or she have a face already? Questions that may be popping through your head as months go by through your pregnancy. We know how excited you are to see that your baby has developed a face already, and he or she will be at 24 weeks pregnant.
By this time, you should be ready for the day you give birth because there are only three months to go until your due date. As always, we always got your back. We have compiled all the things you should learn about the changes in your body as well as the symptoms you might experience during your 24 weeks of pregnancy.
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How big is your baby at 24 weeks pregnant?
Grab a corn cob, that’s how big is your baby at 24 weeks of pregnancy.
In the beginning, of course, your baby will be just as small as a bean. As the days go by, your little one will continue to grow alongside with your belly. At 23 weeks, that angel’s size is like a durian fruit, at 24 it is as big as a corn cob. We have listed down different changes that might surprise you:
Your baby’s development at 24 weeks pregnant
In this week-by-week pregnancy guide, you will learn that at 24 weeks of you being pregnant the ultrasound will catch the following things:
- Who is he or she look like, the daddy or the mommy? Yep, you can now answer this now because your baby’s face is completely formed by this time. The ears are also in place, and he is able to pick up sounds more effectively now.
- Aside from the face, details like eyes and eyelashes will also be formed at 24 weeks. Although the eyelids are still closed, he or she will also start REM or rapid eye movement.
- Now only the face, but the brain will significantly grow rapidly.
- He or she is also preparing for the foods in the outside world because his or her tastebuds will be fully developed.
- By now, his or her lungs are developing branches and the respiratory tree.
- However, even if he or she has already developed a lot in his or her body, the chance of survival is still 50-50.
24 weeks pregnant baby position
Babies inside the womb will continue to move, but what is their position at 24 weeks pregnant? The infant’s general orientation has not shifted much from the previous week and isn’t anticipated to until weeks 26 or even 28. With their heads turned away from the cervix and birth canal, they are probably still standing.
Depending on where they are, you might feel your baby kicking and stretching throughout the day, but they might also rest for long periods of time.
How many months are 24 weeks pregnant?
If you are 24 weeks pregnant, you are in your sixth month of pregnancy. This means that your due date is just around the corner because there are now only three more months until you give birth!
Symptoms of 24 weeks pregnant belly
Put your feet up and enjoy the moment because both you and your baby are going through some significant changes at this time. Your uterus’ quickening growth is one among them. The top of it is usually just a few inches away from your belly button.
You’re probably starting to feel the baby by now. It’s probable that you’re also seeing plenty of new symptoms.
What are the different things you should expect during your 24 weeks of pregnancy? | Photo grabbed from Pexel
Weight Gain
There is another human being growing inside you, so gaining weight should be expected. By 24 weeks, you might have gained about 15 pounds. According to recommended norms, pregnant women are encouraged to gain 1 to 5 pounds during the first trimester and then 1 pound every week after that.
Indigestion, reflux, and heartburn are frequent during the second trimester and the entire third trimester. As your uterus grows, it occupies more space in your abdomen and presses up against your stomach.
Food stays in your stomach longer during pregnancy because digestion slows down. Acid from your stomach, which is used to break down food, can back up into your esophagus and cause heartburn.
Skin changes
During the second trimester of pregnancy, some women see a black line running from the pubic bone to the belly button or above it. This “linea nigra” is usual and not at all dangerous. The skin darkens due to hormonal changes.
Linea nigra often goes away between a few weeks to a few months after birth, though it can occasionally last longer.
Round ligament pain
One or both of your hips or your abdomen may be hurting. This discomfort can be caused by round ligament pain, which is fairly common during pregnancy.
The ligaments holding your uterus in place are strained and stretched, which causes it to happen. By changing postures and doing some gentle stretching, you can find it easier to feel better. Visit your doctor for a checkup if the discomfort ever becomes extreme or is accompanied by additional symptoms like bleeding or fever.
Your developing belly alters how your weight is distributed, which makes it a little easier to feel out of balance. Additionally, changes in circulation may make you feel dizzy or lightheaded.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Swelling brought on by pregnancy causes fluid to accumulate in your lower extremities all day. The fluid is then redistributed throughout the remainder of your body, including your hands, putting pressure on the nerve that runs through your wrist while you’re lying down. This causes numbness, tingling, discomfort, or a dull ache in the fingers, hand, or wrist.
Here are more 24 weeks of pregnancy symptoms you can look out for.
If you think you already experienced a lot of changes over the past few months, wait until you reach the 24 weeks of pregnancy! | Photo from Pexels
- Your bump is quite prominent. Your belly button will pop since the uterus is pushing everything in its path. By this week you would have gained seven to eight kilograms overall to your average weight.
- You will notice some visible stretch marks on your belly and breasts. You will also notice a dark line called linea nigra between your pubic bone and belly button.
- Your libido will drop drastically because you are feeling tired and achy.
- If you have not noticed any vaginal discharge yet before this week, then you will notice high levels of it now.
Pregnancy care when you are 24 weeks pregnant
Pregnancy and prenatal care may educate women about critical actions they can take to safeguard their unborn child and ensure a healthy pregnancy, which can help prevent difficulties. Regular prenatal care helps women: Lower their risk of difficulties throughout pregnancy.
- To keep the body healthy and reduce stretch marks, add more milk, cheese, and soya to your diet. Pile up on Vitamin C, and eat as many greens as possible.
- If you have red itchy palms, avoid anything that creates more heat in your body.
- Use a gentle cleanser while taking short, warm showers—warm water, not hot—which are excellent preparation for giving birth. If you have really dry skin, try using a moisturizer or setting up a warm-mist humidifier in your space.
- It is important to keep drinking water. To be healthy and feed their growing baby, pregnant women need to drink a lot of water. Experts urge pregnant women to drink 8 to 12 glasses of fluid every day.
- As your pregnancy continues to progress you and your partner might have concerns about the safety of sex. If your pregnancy is progressing properly, sexual activity is probably safe, but if there are any problems, your doctor could urge you to stop.
Your checklist at 24 weeks pregnant
What are the things you should be doing now? Are you wondering if you are missing something? Here is the checklist we prepared for you:
Your checklist for your 24 weeks old pregnancy | Photo grabbed from Pexels
- Sign up for a glucose test to determine if you have gestational diabetes. This condition occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin to regulate sugar levels.
- Sign up for our free classes on pregnancy and childbirth!
- Even if your baby’s arrival is still a few months away and learning to crawl and walk could take almost a year, the second trimester is still the ideal time to start baby-proofing.
- Prepare for your finances with your partner.
- Don’t miss your doctor’s appointments and always call your doctor immediately if you experience unusual 24 weeks of pregnancy symptoms.
Your next week: 25 weeks pregnant
Your previous week: 23 weeks pregnant
Additional information from Margaux Dolores and Ange Villanueva
Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.