7 Best DHA Foods For Kids

We all know that DHA is a must-have nutrient in your growing tot’s diet – but do you know which foods are good sources of this essential fatty acid? Check out our list of 8 best DHA foods for your little ones…

Republished with permission from theAsianparent Singapore. 

The early years of your child’s life is a period of incredible growth. During this time, it is important that your little ones get all the nutrients that are crucial for good health and development, including DHA.

Widely known as the brain-building nutrient, DHA is an essential fatty acid that helps to build cells, regulate the nervous system and help the body absorb nutrients. Studies have shown that kids who do not get enough DHA from their daily diet are at high risk of developing cognitive delays – while those who receive large amounts of DHA right from the start tend to have a better attention span.

The European Food Safety Authority recommends that young children be given a minimum of 100mg of DHA per day through various food sources. Browse through our gallery below to find out the top 8 DHA foods for your kids.

1. Salmon

Salmon has the highest content of DHA among any fish source, ranging from 2,000 to 3,000 mg per 6oz serving. Try to choose wild salmon over the farmed variety as studies have shown the former to contain a healthier proportion of good fats (omega-3).

2. Eggs

7 Best DHA Foods For Kids

Image source: iStock

Eggs naturally contain small amounts of DHA, and now you can purchase DHA-enriched eggs that contain up to 150mg of DHA per egg. These eggs come from chickens that have been given a diet supplemented by a source of omega-3 fatty acids, such as flax seed.

3. Yoghurt

DHA-enriched yoghurt has become increasingly available in supermarkets. Be sure to pick out a DHA-enriched, full-fat yoghurt for your kids the next time you go grocery shopping, and serve it as a breakfast or a light snack.

4. Fish roe

DHA foods for kids

Image source: iStock

Having Japanese food for dinner? Don’t stop your little ones from indulging in platters of fish roe sushi, because fish roe typically contains between 1.3 and 1.7 mg of DHA per 100g serving potion (this varies according to the variety of fish).

5. Peanut butter

A comfort food that most children love, peanut butter is an excellent source of essential nutrients such as protein, Vitamin B and the all-important DHA. Peanut butter is best enjoyed in moderation as it is also high in calories.

6. Walnuts

DHA foods for kids

Image source: iStock

It may be no coincidence that walnuts are shaped similarly to the human brain! Walnuts contain a significant amount of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids from which DHA is derived from. A 1oz serving of walnuts provides up to 2.5g of ALA, which helps to promote a healthy brain function. Serve a handful to your kids for a delicious, healthy snack.

7. Soy foods

Vegans typically get their DHA fix through a recommended daily intake of soy food products such as tofu and soybeans. In addition to being brain foods, soy products also help to promote strong and healthy bones with high protein content.

What other DHA foods do you give your kids? Share with us in the comments below…

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