9 Little white lies we tell our kids

A list of the most common white lies that parents tell their kids.

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At a young age we're taught that lying is bad. Lying is something that will get us in trouble and we should never do it. As we grow older, we start to see that certain types of lies are a little more accepted than we were once taught. As parents, we learn that a white lie can be a useful resource. Whether we use them to discipline our children, or to impart some positive ideologies, the white lie is a big part of parenting.

Here are nine of the most common little white lies we tell our kids:

1. “Mommy and daddy are taking a nap”

Sometimes mommy and daddy need a little bit of private time. NO KIDS ALLOWED!

2. “Don’t lie or your nose will grow”

You don’t want to end up like Pinocchio, do you?

3. “If you keep making that face, it’ll stay that way”

Don’t worry, kiddo, that’s a good look for you!

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4. “He went to live on a farm”

Spot is okay, honey. He just went to live out his days on a great big farm.

5. “If you’re naughty, Santa will bring you coal”

Playstation 4? Nope—you’re getting coal!

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6. “You can be anything you want to be”

Not quite. Some hard work and discipline are needed.

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7. “Winning isn’t everything”

Winning isn’t everything. But it sure is better than losing!

8. “Babies come from the stork”

When a mommy and daddy love each other very much…they call the stork.

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9. “Life is short”

Life is short but you should make the most of it because time will fly by.

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