"9 months without imagining how much pain it will cost"

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“I don’t mind the pain and difficulties of giving birth. All I know is it’s easier to give birth — the hard part is the 9 months of carrying the baby inside me.”

Well, actually this is both difficult to experience but exciting. This thought makes my pregnancy journey easier to get through.

January 20, 2022 at exactly 4 AM, I felt like I am having my menstruation because of the abdominal pain that I experienced is similar to the pain when I have my period. While thinking that I might be on labor, that time I decided to wake up my husband and tell him my condition.

He said that this could be the big day for us parents. He packed all the things we needed while I was taking a short bath. As time passed by, the abdominal pain I was experiencing is getting really sharp to the point that I cannot walk and talk anymore.

6 AM, the same day we arrived at the clinic where I will be giving birth, the midwife looked at my record and surprisingly told me that I will be giving birth that day. It made me get really nervous despite of experiencing sharp pain.

Later, the midwife told me to lay down on the bed to perform IE (Internal Examination). To my surprise, my cervix is opened only at 2 cm that time. I got really worried and stressed because I can’t take the pain any longer.

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The midwife told me to take Hyoscine butylbromide to help the opening of the cervix. Then she gave me a half cup of castoria to drink, to help the cervix soften. After an hour the pain got worse.

I was brought to bed to prepare for giving birth. My nervousness worsen when the needle hits my arm to set the IV. Every time, the midwife needs to perform IE to check the progress of the cervix opening.

Finally the cervix opened at 7 cm after 4 hours of waiting. Later, the midwife decided to pop my water bag since I was stuck at 7cm open cervix. She told me that this is not good for the baby and me as I might get infected by bacteria.

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As the midwife predict that I might still have long hours to labour, she decided to induce me since I am loosing all the water inside. I got 3 to 4 times of injection to induce but every time the midwife mix it on the serum, it makes my body feel weaker as time passes.

It is because the pain I was experience got worsen. It leads me to just close my eyes because when its open, I feel like my vision is going to blackout.

When the midwife noticed, she gives me oxygen right away and this gives me feeling comfortable enough to continue. Then suddenly I noticed silence. As I opened my eyes, I saw the midwife holding my both knees while closing her eyes and looks like she is praying while whispering.

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While watching her, I decided to close my eyes too and bare with her prayers. I prayed as well while she do it. I prayed to the Lord to help me get through it. I prayed to Him to save us both from that moment where our foot is on grave.

It was already 5PM when the midwife told me that ‘it’s time’. It’s time to move out the baby inside me. I screamed like I am a tiger because i don’t have much more energy to release. So the tendency is to scream like it’s a big help to release.

Then finally I feel the smooth and quick come out of my baby’s body out of me. And this help me to open my eyes and see my baby. She was so gorgeous. The feeling is so amazing. It is like riding a roller coaster.

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I proved to myself that this experience is forever.