9 Thoughts on parenting to share with your husband if he outlives you

What wisdom would you want impart to you husband in the event that he outlives you?

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Surely, wives and mothers, you’ve thought grimly about the tragic possibility of passing away before your time and leaving your husband and children behind. It’s definitely not a pleasant thought, and not one that a mother should ruminate on too often.

In fairness, it’s okay to have a contingency plan; maybe even some idea of the way you’d want things to be if you were to die before your spouse. Raising kids isn’t easy, after all. That’s why it’s safe to say that a good mother/wife would have quite a lot to say about parenting or life before passing away.

In a recent post on Scary Mommy, mother of three and contributor, Katie Smith, shared 9 thoughts about parenting and life that she would like her husband to know if she were to die first. The results range from pragmatic to downright hilarious.

Moms, take a look at her list and let us know if you agree:

1. Have lots of talks about sex/drugs/drinking with the kids

I know it is uncomfortable for you. It isn’t for me, which is why I just handle it, but it is too important. I know we have already covered lots of stuff with them, but it should be an ongoing process.

This may be hard for you to hear, but your daughter might someday be just as interested in sex as any teenage boy out there. I know this because once upon a time I was said girl. So talk to them all, all of the time. Tell them the difference between valuing someone and desiring them. Talk about respecting their bodies as well as others. And protection—don’t forget about protection. Remind them how to treat someone they are intimate with. Tell them what it is to be responsible and true to themselves. To listen to their inner voice, always.

Let them know they can come to you even when they screw up—that you are a safe place to land no matter what.  Remind them constantly. Be persistent. They will tell you they already know. I don’t care. Tell them again.

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2. Don’t let our kids act like jackasses

I know we both feel like we have pretty good kids. That doesn’t mean they won’t act like jackass sometimes. If another parent or a teacher tells you they are acting like a jackass, it is because they are. Make them fix it. Don’t do it for them, and don’t dismiss it. Make them right the situation.

3. Start snooping

I know you don’t do this, but I do. I snoop in their rooms. I look at their history on their phones. I check their pockets. Don’t feel bad about invading their privacy. If they are doing something that is not right or is illegal, hurting themselves or someone else, putting a stop to that overrides their privacy. Don’t worry about being the bad guy. Don’t let them think they have a free pass because they have been through something hard.

4. Don’t bring home a floozy

I understand you may need to have a night (or a few) for yourself after some time (please wait at least a year). If that time involves meeting up with a floozy in some seedy hotel so you can clean out your pipes, fine. I understand and will not haunt you (that much). Just don’t bring her home to our kids. Wait until you meet someone who is almost as fabulous as I am. She can not be more fabulous, just a touch less fabulous—got it? If and when you bring her home, make sure she is nice to our babies. They are gifts and should be treated as such.


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Check out the rest of the list by clicking next!


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5. Don’t be afraid to get rid of my stuff

Please don’t feel like you need to keep anything of mine. It will be important for you to move on, and I believe this will help, especially when you find Little Miss Less Fabulous. She will not like seeing all of my things strewn about. Also, you will probably come across some stuff you didn’t know I purchased—mostly boots, jewelry, and such. Don’t be mad. I can assure you everything you find was on sale.

6. Don’t second-guess your parenting decisions

Go with your gut. Just because I am not here doesn’t mean you don’t know what to do. You have been a parent just as long as I have, and you know just as much. I know there have been times when I have taken over because you have been busy with work and it was just easier. The kids know what you expect from them, so make sure that never changes.

7. You count, too

I want you to remember not to put yourself last. Don’t stop doing the things that you love. When I have done this, everyone suffers (and I have you as a partner). As a single parent, it will be harder yet more important than ever. Keep sailing, keep golfing, keep feeding your soul, and be good to yourself.

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8. Don’t let your friendships slip away

You have some amazing friends. They will be more important than ever. Make time for them, and don’t feel guilty about it. After all, you have known some of them longer than you have known me. There are strong bonds between you guys. Lean on them.

9. Keep having fun

Think of all the times we have danced, jumped on the furniture, stuffed our faces at our favorite restaurants, hiked, sang, and hurt ourselves trying to impress our kids. Please don’t stop doing these things. Start new traditions if that is what feels right, but above all else, make sure you and the kids keep having fun.

What do you think, moms? Do you agree with the list? What would you want your dearly beloved to know if you were to die first?

READ: 8 Ways to help mothers who feel burned-out

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