8 Unnoticed signs of ovarian cancer

Early detection of ovarian cancer is important when it comes to fighting this deadly disease.

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Ovarian cancer is a form of cancer that specifically targets a woman’s ovaries. What makes this type of cancer even more threatening is the fact that most of the symptoms of ovarian cancer usually go unnoticed until it’s too late, usually because the symptoms of ovarian cancer in the early stages are pretty subtle.

Here are 9 unnoticed signs of ovarian cancer:

1. Leg pain

Some women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer experienced swelling or pain in their legs. This is because if the cervix swells as a result of cancer, it can block the blood flow to the legs.

2. Abnormal discharge

Most women experience some clear discharge coming out of their vagina. However, if the discharge smells foul, has an irregular appearance, or there’s an increased output of discharge, then it can be a cause for concern.

3. Changes in urinary/bowel habits

Irregular urination and bowel habits can be chalked up to swelling of the uterus. Usually, patients who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer experience painful urination and sometimes, constipation.

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4. Fatigue

While fatigue isn’t a symptom exclusive to ovarian cancer, it’s a symptom that you shouldn’t ignore. Fatigue happens when the red blood cells are slowly being replaced by white blood cells that try to fight off ovarian cancer. This also causes anemia which can cause a lack of energy and a loss of appetite.

5. Nausea

Nausea has also been known to be a potential symptom of ovarian cancer, though there are many other factors that might possibly cause a woman to experience nausea.

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6. Irregular cycles

If your menstrual cycle is mostly regular, and you experience a sudden irregularity without any explanation, then you need to go to your gynecologist in order to figure out what might be causing it.

7. Uncomfortable sex

Painful or uncomfortable sex, called dyspareunia, is another side effect of cervical cancer. However, there are also other things that can cause a woman to experience pain during sex. Regardless, this is a serious symptom and you need to consult your doctor if you’re experiencing dyspareunia.

8. Pelvic pain

If you’re experiencing pelvic pain aside from what usually happens during your period and for extended periods of time, then it might be time to visit a doctor so that they can find out why you’re experiencing cramps and aches.

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Sources: odaa.orghealthyandnaturalworld.com

READ: Is it true that baby powder can cause ovarian cancer?

Written by

Jan Alwyn Batara