Aga Muhlach and Charlene Gonzalez wanted to give their kids a regular childhood

In an event for Jollibee, Aga and Charlene shared that they tried to protect their kids' privacy and made an effort to keep them away from the limelight.

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Celebrity parents Aga and Charlene shared that when it comes to their kids, they tried to give them a regular childhood as much as possible.

Their twins, Andres and Atasha, even shared that they weren't initially aware of just how famous their parents were!

Aga and Charlene: We'll support them in whatever path they choose

Aga and Charlene's twins recently had their 16th birthday, and now that they've grown up, it's pretty clear that they inherited their parents' good looks. So a lot of people have been asking if they have any plans of being in showbiz.

Charlene shared, "We’ll support them in whatever path they choose. We will always be grateful sa industriya, kami ni Aga, our family. If they decide when they finish school that they want to, they’re open to this path. It will be their decision but for now... "

"It's our decision," Aga quickly added.

They also mentioned that the twins made a promise that they will finish their studies first before embarking on a showbiz career.

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They didn't know that their parents were famous

Surprisingly, even if they're Aga Muhlach and Charlene Gonzalez's kids, Andres and Atasha had a regular childhood.

Charlene said that she and Aga tried their best to protect their children's privacy. They made every effort to provide their children a normal childhood away from the limelight.

"Growing up, we always tried to give them a private life so they can have a normal childhood, to do normal things, just play without the attention. Kaya Aga and I shield them so they can experience that kind of life."

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"Showbiz was never talked about in our household and I don’t think they ever realized, or knew the difference, ‘di ba?" Charlene quipped.

Atasha also said that she's proud of her parents for raising them in a grounded environment. She mentioned that the only time she and her brother realized their parents were popular was when they saw a poster of Aga and Charlene in a mall.

"They were very, very humble," she added.

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Source: Rappler

Photo screencapped from: Rappler

ALSO READ: Aga Muhlach opens up about struggling as a young dad, parenting his twins

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Written by

Jan Alwyn Batara