Antibiotics may stop working if you misuse them, says DOH

Now that it's a world health emergency, the DOH warns the public about the dangers of self-medicating with antibiotics.

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The alarming decrease in the number of cases resistant to antibiotics has prompted the Department of Health (DOH) to warn the public to be extra cautious in taking medication.

The World Health Organization (WHO) now considers this a global public health emergency.

Common causes of this include taking these medications without first consulting a doctor.

The DOH stresses the importance of avoiding the bad habit of ‘self-medicating’.

Some cases of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted disease (STD), typhoid fever, pneumonia and urinary tract infection have shown resistance to antibiotics.

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According to the DOH, a possible cause is misusing antibiotics which leads to antimicrobial resistance which causes the antibiotics to lose its efficacy.

According to this report by News 5, another cause of this is not completing the duration of antibiotic treatment prescribed by your doctor. This may cause the bacteria present in the body to gain strength.

New guidelines will be created by the DOH to help medical practitioners in efficiently prescribing medication, given these current findings.

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You can watch the full report here.

Read: Antibiotics are safe during pregnancy, new study says

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Written by

Bianchi Mendoza