Is baby biting me, normal? How to stop baby from biting while nursing

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Baby biting me? Toddler biting self? It's something that toddlers do for some reason, from teething to see what reaction they will get.

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Biting is normal in childhood. Biting is something that young toddlers do for a variety of reasons, from teething to seeing what kind of reaction they will get.

Many children between the ages of one and three go through a biting stage that they eventually outgrow. Learn more about why your baby is biting and more.

What can you read in this article? 

  • Baby biting me
  • Biting while breastfeeding
  • Why is baby biting me during breastfeeding 
  • Toddler biting self
  • How to stop baby from biting while nursing

Baby biting me

Photo by Vanessa Loring

Baby biting me only or toddler biting self occurs for a variety of causes, the majority of which are not intentional. Here are some reasons listed by Web MD.

1. They’re in a lot of pain. 

The most prevalent reason for babies biting is teething. They’re merely doing it to alleviate the pain of their swollen, inflamed gums.

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2. They’re trying to adjust to their new environment. 

Young children use their tongues to explore, much as they do with their hands. Almost everything that babies and toddlers come into contact with ends up in their mouths. This age group has not yet developed the ability to resist the impulse to bite the object of their curiosity.

3. They’ve been agitated. 

Biting, like hitting, is a way for a child to establish himself when he or she is too young to express effectively through words. Biting is a way for your child to reclaim a prized object, show displeasure with you, or tell another child that they want to be alone.

4. They’re waiting to hear back. 

Exploration necessitates a high level of curiosity. Toddlers experiment with their actions to see how they will be reacted to. They’ll bite down on a friend or sibling to hear the shocked exclamation, not comprehending how horrible the experience is for that person.

5. They are in desperate need of attention. 

Biting is one of a number of unpleasant actions that older children do to get attention. Even if the attention is unpleasant rather than positive, discipline is at least one method for a youngster who feels ignored to be addressed.

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Baby biting own arm teething

Babies put objects in their mouths to taste and learn about the world around them. Biting, pinching, and hair-pulling help babies understand cause and consequence between the ages of 6 and 12. It’s a means for them to learn about their surroundings.

Your baby, for example, bites you and then waits to see what you’ll do next. If you make a joke about it or turn it into a game, they could do it again to see if they get the same reaction. If you become furious, your baby may be fascinated by your reaction, prompting them to attempt it again!

When teething, babies bite to relieve the pain in their gums.


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Biting while breastfeeding

Photo by Wendy Wei

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An infant may have one or more teeth at birth, although teeth normally begin to erupt between the ages of six and nine months. As a result, your baby’s first tooth will most likely appear within their first year.

However, once your kid starts teething, there’s no need to discontinue breastfeeding. The World Health Organization recommends exclusive nursing during the first six months of a child’s life, followed by continuing breastfeeding with complementary foods until the child is two years old.

When a baby’s tongue is comfortably and effectively linked to the breast, it covers the bottom gum, preventing them from biting during nursing. Women who are breastfeeding an older infant or a toddler have reported being bitten on occasion.

Why is baby biting me during breastfeeding

In response to a change in posture or to restrict or stop the milk flow, a newborn baby may clamp down or, if they have teeth, bite.

When they are irritated by a lack of milk, some newborns bite. More frequent feedings will help keep your milk production up and may mean your baby is less hungry when he or she comes to the breast.

Other babies’ attachment to the breast may cause their tooth or teeth to press into the flesh, causing pain to the mother, even though they aren’t biting down.

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This may be exacerbated when the teeth initially break through, as newborns’ latches may shift as they adjust to the new sensations. When the baby learns to hold their tongue in a way that accommodates their new teeth, the problem usually goes away.

How to stop the baby from biting while nursing

  1. Your infant may be nibbling rather than biting because of the position of their teeth in respect to your areola. If this is the case, consider how you might position your infant so that their mouth is in a different location. 
  2. Feeding your baby in a more reclined position encourages her to latch on more deeply. 
  3. Giving your baby lots of attention during a feed and complimenting them when they don’t bite could assist them to nurse peacefully.
  4. Some mothers find that giving their babies something cold to chew on before breastfeeding reduces the risk of biting.
  5. Keep a finger handy to rapidly break the suction if your infant tries to bite you.
  6. If your baby bites, remove them away from the breast and give them something else to bite on.
  7. When your baby bites, try pushing them closer together so that your breast covers their nose and they open their lips.
  8. If you pay close attention to what your baby is doing, you might see behavior that leads to biting or the termination of the feed. You’ll be able to tell when to pull your baby off before they bite.

How to get a 1 year old to stop biting

Photo by Singkham from Pexels

Prevent your child from biting in the first place by practicing prevention.

  1. Avoid situations where your youngster can become upset and bite. Before you go out to play, make sure that your child’s basic requirements, such as eating and napping, are met. If your youngster becomes irritable due to hunger, bring a snack with you.
  2. Give your child enough of your attention throughout the day (for example, by reading or playing together), so they don’t bite to obtain your attention. When your child is going through a major life transition, such as a move or the arrival of a new sibling, extra attention is especially crucial. Keep an eye on any playmates if your child is prone to biting and intervene if an argument looks to be brewing.
  3. If your child is teething, keep a cool teething ring or washcloth on hand at all times so they don’t sink their teeth into someone’s arm.
  4. Encourage your youngster to use words instead of biting as soon as he or she is old enough. Hugging a plush animal or pounding a pillow are two other methods to express irritation or rage. 

Consult your doctor

While biting is common, it usually stops around the age of three to three and a half. A child development specialist should be seen if your toddler continues to bite or if the number of bites increases rather than decreases over time.

This expert can aid you in finding the source of the biting and devising a plan to address the issue. Remember that there is no quick fix. With patience and support, your kid will stop biting and learn to express herself in other appropriate ways.

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Written by

Margaux Dolores