Baby falling out of car shows importance of child-proofing vehicles

Surveillance video managed to capture the incident that happened after the vehicle made a sharp turn. Read on to learn more.

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We've all been there. You're rushing to work or to school drop-off, and you're too frazzled to remember even the simplest of tasks. Even things like locking —or child-locking — your car doors. Just recently in China, a 10-month-old baby falls out of a van after his parents seem to have overlooked checking their vehicle's door.

Baby Falls Out of a Van, Parents Seemed to Have No Idea

In surveillance footage, the 10-month-old baby falls out of a van along a road in Changzhou, China. Luckily, passersby were there to come to the baby's aid. The van keeps on moving; the driver seemingly unaware that the tiny passenger had fallen out.

Thanks to quick-thinking strangers the baby suffered no injuries. Even so, the little one was brought to the hospital after his parents realized he was no longer in the backseat and came back for him.

You can watch the surveillance footage below.

Baby Falls Out of a Van: Why Parents Should Always Child-Proof Vehicles

Cases like this happen all over the world. In Illinois, U.S.A, a baby fell out of a moving car in November 2017. Earlier last year, a 4-year-old girl fell out of a church van along a busy highway. The curious tot apparently opened the emergency door while the van was moving. Though both kids made it — with little to no injuries — it's still important for parents not to take car door safety for granted.

Moms and dads, always remember that even the simplest of things can cause near-fatal accidents. When driving, remember to:

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  • Drive carefully and defensively. Even if you're in a hurry, always put safety first. Arriving on time is not worth risking your family's safety!
  • Always follow proper car seat safety measures. The infant mentioned above fell out while not in a car seat. This could most likely have been avoided if the little one had been fastened securely within a car seat.
  • Make sure all doors are on child-lock when travelling with kids. In the incident above, it is unclear how the door was opened. But what's likely is that the sharp turn forced the door open.

What do you think of the incident above? How do you keep your kids safe in cars?

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Sources: via Medium, Global News Canada, Washington Post

ALSO READ: Baby’s death is a sobering reminder about car seat safety

Republished with permission from: theAsianParent Singapore


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Written by

Bianchi Mendoza