Father sparks controversy for posting bath time photo with his daughter

“Put on some underwear my friend,” one comment said. “What good will your daughter get from seeing your genitals?”

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When Danish comedian Torben Chris posted on his Facebook a photo of him and his daughter during bath time, he just wanted his followers to get a glimpse of his family life.

But he didn’t quite anticipate the attention, both positive and not so positive, that it would receive. The photo shows Torben and his two-year-old daughter, both butt naked, chilling in the tub and playing with bath toys.

Some people thought it adorable, a father and his daughter bonding in the bath, while others labeled it disturbing—with few commenters going so far as accusing Torben as a pedophile.

READ: How to give your baby a bath

“Put on some underwear my friend,” one comment said. “What good will your daughter get from seeing your genitals?”

The Facebook post has received at least 60,000, and has been shared more than 6,500 times.

Thanks to his one-man comedy show ‘jydelogik,’ a cynical show which pokes fun of Danish people’s prude attitude towards nakedness, other parents who have been called paedophiles reached out to him and shared their experiences of the fear of nakedness, or ‘nøgenhedsforskrækkelse,’ which then inspired Torben to post his own picture.

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One man said he was called pedophile after posting a photo of his 11-year-old daughter’s French plait on her bare back.

He has since issued a response to the photo. “There is nothing wrong with a father who washes daughter’s bottom or vagina when she’s a child,” he said. “On the contrary, it is bloody disgusting if nobody does it, and unfair if only the mother does it.”

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READ: Baby’s bath time: A moment of bonding, play and learning

Many people seem to agree with him. One comment said that parents must bathe with her child.

“Children need to see a naked body, see it naturally, how different bodies can look and how right it is,” it said.” Otherwise we will end up with a totally disturbed generation who think everyone looks like a model without clothes on.”

Torben added: “If we couldn’t stand to see each other naked we’d be born with clothes on. Nudity with your child’s not gross, but natural. A father in the shower with his daughter’s not pedophilia, it’s fun.”

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Moms, what do you personally think about this photo?

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Written by

James Martinez