“There is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one."

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Dear new mom. You may have so many questions running through your mind. Am I doing this right? Am I doing enough? But we're here to tell you, you got this.

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Dear first-time momma, 


I see you.

I know you’re exhausted. You haven’t had a good sleep in a while. Your hair is in disarray and you haven’t really paid much attention to yourself since your baby came. 


Your days are often lost tending to your little one. And yet through it all, you are ecstatic. 


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After months of anticipation, you can now cradle your little one in your arms. The joy is incomparable. 


How could you love someone you’ve only met this much? And yet you do. You’re bursting with unconditional love for your precious baby. 


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Soon you’ll realize that as each day passes, your love will only grow. This little person will capture your heart in more ways than you can imagine—with every coo, every babble, every cute laugh, and innocent stare. 


But he will also turn your world upside down. 


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Much like each new mom, you will constantly be fraught with worry. Am I doing this right? What’s the best way to feed him? How do I swaddle him? Should we sleep train? 


The questions never seem to end. 


I was just like you. 

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When we came home from the hospital, I felt both joy and worry wash over me. I was glad to be home with my baby, but I was also anxious because I knew I was now responsible for another life. What a big responsibility! I was clueless. I’ve taken all those prenatal classes, but as they say, nothing prepares you for the real thing. 


So while my baby slept, I pored over articles about tummy time, bathtime must-haves, touch therapy, and sleep routines. I would head on to my social-media mom groups scouring for tips on just about everything a mom should know. I would lose sleep wondering how I could apply all these new learnings so my baby could have the best life I could give him. 


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It’s wonderful to pour your heart and soul into your new life as a mom, but let me tell you what I wish someone had told me before, what I wish someone had said to me all those nights I was up thinking about the days that lay ahead. 


It’s okay not to know everything.


I remember being as prepared as I could be, with my checklists and parenting articles saved on my phone. But there were still things I didn’t know, things I would only find out as I was doing it.


One thing I was dreading was giving my baby her very first bath at home. It was just me and my husband, no nurses to guide us. I’ve researched about everything—from why I had to use separate cotton balls for each eye, how to make sure her umbilical cord wouldn’t get wet, down to what baby soap would be best for her. It was Baby Dove for us. I knew how sensitive my little one’s skin is and how prone it is to becoming dry, so I got it because it’s moisturizing. It is also gentle so it’s safe for my newborn.


While I was lathering her with soap, mindful to make it quick so she won’t get a chill, I started feeling more confident. I was actually doing it! And pretty soon, bath time was over. I trusted myself and things came naturally. With every bath, it became easier. So let me tell you, it will be for you, too. 


Things will be easier.


Not just with bathtime. You’ll soon realize that there will be many firsts for you and your child. First time he will sleep through the night. First time he will take a step and stumble. First time he will scrape his knee and come to you for rescue. 


It may seem challenging at first, but eventually, both of you will get it. And all these will be for you to treasure. Your milestones. 


Yes, motherhood doesn’t come with a manual so you’ll have to learn so much. But you don’t have to know about every single thing. By all means, do your research, listen to the advice of people you trust, but most of all, trust yourself.


Yes, trust yourself.

As a mom, you will stumble, you will fall, and you will make mistakes. But that’s also the beauty of it. While you raise your baby into this beautiful kind soul, you are also growing as a mother. 


Take comfort in knowing that every mom out there has at one point become unsure of herself. Yet somehow, she grew into that role. Over time, your worries will ease. You’ll find yourself slowly becoming more accustomed to life as mommy, mama, or nanay. That’s because you’re growing into your own. You’re learning to trust yourself.  


And on those days, when questions are nagging you and worry tries to creep in, remember this: Mommy, you are doing better than you think. You got this!




There’s really no right or wrong way to be a mom–only your way. Baby Dove is your partner in helping you become the kind of mom you were meant to be. It supports you in however way you show your love to your little one. Choose from its wide range of products including bath soaps, body wash, baby wipes, lotions, and shampoos. For great deals on Baby Dove products, head to Lazada or Shopee via Shopalyst.


ALSO READ: A survival guide for new moms