15 best investments for mothers and why these are better than bags, cars, and jewelries

Thinking on where to invest your money, mommy? Here's a list of best investments for mothers that are better than bags, cars, and jewelries.

Investing in things like property, insurance, government savings, and mutual funds is like building a solid foundation for you and your family’s future. Unlike splurging on bags, jewelry, and cars (which, let’s be real, are tempting!), these investments bring long-term security and growth. So, let’s ditch the temporary thrills and focus on making strategic choices that set you up for lasting financial well-being and value. Here’s a list of best investments for mothers that are better than material possessions.

Best investments for mothers: Property investments

Motherhood is a journey of nurturing, but it’s also an opportunity for financial empowerment. For mothers seeking stable and long-term financial growth, property investments stand out as one of the best options. Here’s why:

  1. Stability and Appreciation

Properties, especially real estate, have a historical track record of stability and appreciation. Unlike some financial instruments, real estate values tend to increase over time, providing a reliable and potentially profitable investment.

  1. Passive Income through Rental

Owning rental properties can offer a steady stream of passive income. Mothers can leverage their investment by renting out properties, generating monthly rental income to support family needs or contribute to savings and investments.

best investments for mothers

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3. Asset Diversification

Diversifying one’s investment portfolio is a fundamental principle of sound financial planning. Properties add a layer of diversification, reducing risk by not solely relying on the performance of stocks or bonds.

4. Tangible and Inflation Hedge

Real estate is a tangible asset with intrinsic value. It serves as a hedge against inflation, as property values and rental income have the potential to increase in line with or even outpace inflation rates.

5. Long-Term Wealth Creation

Property investments are a vehicle for long-term wealth creation. As mothers plan for their children’s education, weddings, or future endeavors, property appreciation and rental income can contribute significantly to achieving these financial goals.

6. Security and Stability for Families

Mothers prioritize the well-being and security of their families. Owning a property provides a sense of stability, as families have a place to call home, and property values typically appreciate, contributing to overall financial security.

7. Tax Advantages

Property owners often benefit from various tax advantages. Deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes, and other related expenses can result in significant tax savings, enhancing the overall financial picture.

8. Legacy and Inheritance

Property investments enable mothers to create a lasting legacy for their children. Real estate can be passed down through generations, providing financial stability and security for the family’s future.

9. Control and Personalization

Property ownership allows mothers to have control over their investments. From choosing the location to deciding on property improvements, mothers can personalize their investments to align with their financial goals and preferences.

10. Potential for Real-Time Use

Properties can serve dual purposes. While appreciating in value, certain properties can also be used for personal or family needs, offering both an investment and a living space.

In conclusion, property investments stand out as an excellent choice for mothers looking to secure their family’s financial future. Beyond financial gains, the stability, passive income, and long-term wealth creation potential make property investments a wise and empowering financial move for mothers who strive to provide the best for their families.

Best investments for mothers 

Aside from property investments, here’s a list of investments that are best for moms and that will benefit their family.

  1. Philippine Stock Market: Investing in stocks listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) can provide opportunities for capital appreciation.
  2. Mutual Funds: Participating in mutual funds managed by local fund managers allows for diversified investments in stocks, bonds, and other securities.

    best investments for mothers

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  3. Retail Treasury Bonds (RTBs): Government-issued bonds like RTBs provide a secure investment option with regular interest payments.
  4. Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings Program: The Pag-IBIG MP2 is a voluntary savings program that offers higher dividend rates than regular savings accounts.
  5. Philippine Depositary Receipts (PDRs): PDRs allow investment in Philippine companies without directly owning the shares.
  6. Business Franchising: Starting a franchise business can be a lucrative venture with established brand support.
  7. Philippine Government Savings Bonds (GSB): GSBs offer a low-risk option for conservative investors with regular interest payments.
  8. Cooperative Shares: Investing in a cooperative provides an opportunity for profit-sharing and community involvement.
  9. Balikbayan Box Forwarding Business: Facilitating the shipment of balikbayan boxes for Filipinos abroad can be a viable business idea.
  10. Sari-Sari Store or Mini-Grocery Business: Starting a small retail business can cater to local communities and generate steady income.
  11. Philippine Retail Treasury Bills (RTBs): RTBs are short-term government securities offering a secure investment option.
  12. Farm Investment: Participating in agricultural ventures or agribusiness investments can support the local economy.
  13. Philippine Educational Plans (Pre-Need Plans): Investing in pre-need educational plans helps secure future educational expenses for children.
  14. Health Insurance: It covers medical expenses, shielding individuals and families from the financial strain of healthcare costs, including hospitalization, surgeries, and medications. Health insurance is a practical investment in physical well-being and financial security, acting as a safety net against the high costs of medical care.

    best investments for mothers

    Image from Shutterstock

Before making any investment, it’s important to conduct thorough research, consider individual financial goals, and assess risk tolerance. Consulting with a local financial advisor familiar with the Philippine market can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Why are these better than bags, cars and jewelries

Investing in financial instruments such as stocks, real estate, bonds, and other options mentioned earlier is often considered a more strategic and prudent approach compared to spending on luxury items like bags, cars, and jewelry for several reasons.

Financial investments grow over time, building wealth and financial security, while luxury items typically depreciate and don’t generate income. Investments like stocks, bonds, and rental properties provide regular income and allow diversification, reducing risk. They also offer long-term value appreciation, serve as funds for emergencies or future goals, and act as a hedge against inflation. Financial investments are generally more liquid, easier to convert to cash, and can provide passive income, unlike luxury items. Investing in education plans, retirement accounts, or property secures future financial well-being with less depreciation compared to luxury items, which lose value due to trends and wear.


It’s essential to strike a balance between enjoying life’s luxuries and making strategic financial decisions. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with purchasing bags, cars, or jewelry, considering investments as part of a comprehensive financial plan can contribute to long-term financial stability and growth.

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