Birthday Colorstrology: How a Certain Color Can Impact Your Life


Move over, horoscope, there's a more colorful player in town. Learn about birthday colorstrology and what is reveals about you.

Have you heard of birthday colorstrology? Find out how this astrological practice can help you attract positive energy in your life.

In this article, you’ll read:

  • What is birthday colorstrology?
  • Color of the month
  • How to apply colorstrology in your daily life
birthday colorstrology

Young family brushing the wall together into the blue color | Photo by valuavitaly –

What’s your lucky color?

Filipinos have a flair for the metaphysical. We have superstitious beliefs for almost every aspect of life (giving birth, weddings, funerals). Subscribing to horoscopes- the Western Zodiac and Chinese horoscope is part of our culture.

Somehow, we believe that the day of our birth (or year, in Chinese horoscope) has something to do with our aura as a person and our fate as well.

Color is incorporated in some of these superstitious beliefs. We believe wearing red will bring us good fortune and it’s bad luck to wear black to a wedding. We also give babies red and black bracelets to ward off bad spirits!

However, we also use color as a way to express our mood or uplift our spirits.

For instance, we wear pink or any bright color if we’re feeling happy. We stare at something green to help us relax.

Take those two ideas together and you’ve got birthday colorstrology.

What is birthday colorstrology?

According to the book, Colorstrology: What Your Birthday Color Says about You, birthday colorstrology is “a fascinating blend of astrology, numerology, and color theory that offers exciting new insights about our lives and relationships.”

The author, Michele Bernhardt, is a renowned astrologist. She studied the science of  color psychology and connected it with astrology and numerology to dedicate a specific color for each day of the year.

The 366-day calendar of colors was based on the iconic Pantone color system.

How exactly does birthday colorstrology work?

For each day of the year, there is a specific color assigned that reveals three characteristics of the person celebrating his or her birthday. It also tells you how the color benefits you.

“The personal profile describes the essence of your particular day of birth. Use it to remind you of your true self and to feel in line  with your destiny and your soul’s purpose,” wrote Bernhardt.

She also listed three birthdays that are compatible with your own.

“In the Colorstrology system, birthday color compatibility is based on the principles of colors, elements, planets and numerological affinity.” added Bernhardt.


  What’s your color month?

Another unique aspect of colorstrology is introducing a specific color for each month. “Just as you were born into a sun sign, you were also born into a special monthly color group. Like your daily color, your monthly color corresponds to your unique qualities and attributes,” Bernhardt explains.

Here’s a list of each birth month with the color corresponding to it as well as its core characteristics, taken from Huffington Post:

Month Color Core qualities
January Caramel practical, determined, builder
February Sheer lilac uplifting, progressive, detached
March Fair aqua intuitive, subtle, empathetic
April Cayenne fiery, energetic, courageous
May Bud green healing, rejuvenating, prosperous
June Aspen gold radiant, intellectually energizing, uplifitng
July Coral blush soothing, receptive, nurturing
August Sun orange regal, inspiring, powerful
September Baja blue divine, discerning, artistic
October Cerulean peaceful, poised, balanced
November Claret red intense, passionate, transforming
December Pagoda blue wisdom, truth, vision

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birthday colorstrology

How to apply colorstrology in your daily life

Your birthday color does not necessarily have to be your favorite color. But you can reflect on how it makes you feel, meditate upon it, or use it in your surroundings as much as you can.

“Of course, if you really don’t like your color, and your life is perfect…don’t even try it. But if you don’t like your color and could use a bit of help, try a drop of the color somewhere—a border on a doorway, a frame of a picture—it could be anything.” Bernhardt shares in an interview with Goop magazine.

Here are some ways you can incorporate colorstrology and the power of color in your life:

  • Add a bit of your birthday color in your home in the form of artwork, plants, or even household items.
  • Incorporate your birthday color in your outfits – a shirt, shoes, or just a pop of color in your accessories.
  • If you have a real attraction to a specific color in the system, look up to see what it represents.
  • Look up your spouse’s, child’s or friend’s birthday color and suggest for them to meditate upon o use that color as well.

While Pantone’s colorstrology website crashed a few months ago, you can search the web for other colorstrology birthday guides. Here’s one you can check.


Source: Colorstrology: What Your Birthday Color Says About You


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