7 Tips for breastfeeding during the holidays


Breastfeeding during the holidays can be a bit of a task, but these helpful tips should breastfeeding much easier for moms!

Breastfeeding during the holidays

With all the family gatherings, Christmas parties, and last-minute shopping happening during the holiday season, moms are busier than ever. Meanwhile, the little one needs to be fed. With the Christmas rush, it can be challenging for moms to breastfeed while they’re out and about. That’s why we made a list of 7 tips for breastfeeding during the holidays. Moms don’t have to have such a hard time keeping their little one healthy and happily fed!

1. Don’t be afraid of nursing in public

Some moms feel that they’re going to be judged if they breastfeed in public, especially in a party or a gathering. Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with breastfeeding. It’s a great way of making sure your little one gets the very best nutrition.

Attitudes about breastfeeding are changing every day. The more we treat breastfeeding like it’s a normal thing, the more it will become a reality.

2. Bring a cover-up if needed

For moms who are embarrassed to breastfeed in public, a cover-up is a practical solution. You can’t always find a spot where you can breastfeed your little one in complete privacy. Behind the cover-up is a private space just for you and baby.

3. Wear comfortable clothing

Comfortable clothing should always be a priority for breastfeeding moms. The easier and less hassle it is for you to breastfeed your little one, the better! Breastfeeding bras and breast pads are your best friend during these times. There are also plenty of clothing brands that give you stylish choices of post-maternity wear. Just because you’re breastfeeding, it doesn’t mean you can’t look great at the same time.

4. Ask where you can breastfeed in private

If you’d rather breastfeed in a private place, you can try asking the owner of the house if they have a room where you can breastfeed your baby. That way, you don’t need to worry about being disturbed or breastfeeding in front of people you’re not comfortable with. Some shopping malls also have breastfeeding/changing rooms.

5. Pump milk beforehand

Another option is to pump milk beforehand. If your baby is receptive to the bottle, bringing breastmilk can be practical, and can even free you to have a drink or two during parties. Even though you’re not breastfeeding directly, you’re still providing nourishment to your little one, and that’s what counts.

6. Avoid drinking alcohol

Alcohol is common in Christmas parties, but should be avoided by breastfeeding moms. This is because alcohol can get into your breast milk, and it can negatively affect your baby. If you do drink, avoid drinking more than a glass of wine a day. If you drink more, a supply of frozen breastmilk, can keep baby happily fed.

7. Don’t stress yourself out

Lastly, don’t get too stressed out. Breastfeeding is natural, and a beautiful bonding activity between you and your little one. Remember, it’s the holidays and you and your little one should have fun!

Source: blog.medelabreastfeedingus.com

READ: 7 Breastfeeding Tips for the Working Filipino Mom

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