Mom Breastfeeds 8 year old - Watch this extended breastfeeding video!

Breastfeeding is best for babies, and a mom from UK certainly believes so, as she still breastfeeds her 8-year-old child. Watch this video and share your thoughts with us.

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Will you be the one to wean your child from breastfeeding, or will you let her decide when she's ready?

Mom Breastfeeds 8 year old - A video that shows extended breastfeeding!

We, at theAsianparent Philippines, are certainly pro-breastfeeding. Still, we couldn't help gasp in amazement when we saw this video about a breastfeeding mom from the UK, Veronica Robinson.

Robinson believes that the best way to wean her children from breastfeeding is to let them make the decision when they are ready and, well... they never did! And so she still breastfeeds her 8-year-old daughter! In the video below, it's stated that scientists believe that extended breastfeeding can produce a higher IQ in kids, among other benefits. Watch it and share your thoughts in the Comments box below.

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