5 Common fertility myths that you should definitely stop believing.

It's high time we stop believing this hogwash

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The road to pregnancy is fraught with myths and half-truths. Here are some things you’ve probably heard about fertility that are just plain wrong.

1. Using the Pill will make it harder for you to conceive later

Sure, your cycle won’t go back to normal right after you go off the Pill, but ob-gyn Dr. Christos Coutifaris tells BabyCenter that it shouldn’t take too long—unless you have another underlying problem unrelated to your birth control. If it takes longer than two months for you to get your first period, consult a doctor. As the Pill can protect your from ovarian and uterine cancers, it actually helps with fertility. In addition, studies have also found that the Pill reduces the incidence of ectopic pregnancy. Coutifaris recommends waiting until after you get our first period before trying to get pregnant.

Photo: Pixabay

2. Cough syrup can help you conceive

Some have said that the expectorant ingredient in Robitussin thins your cervical mucus, thereby making it easier for the sperm to reach the egg. However, no studies have backed this theory, plus, as The Bump points out, cough syrup can actually be bad for your fertility, as antihistamines have negative effects on fertility.

Read about more fertility myths on the next page.

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3. Contorting your body after sex will help the sperm reach the egg

Lifting your legs up in the air or even doing handstands probably won’t make much of a difference, as Dr. Daniel Rychlik of the Southern California Reproductive Center tells Redbook. Even if some of your partner’s sperm leaks out, there would still be a lot left inside. If it makes you feel better, you can lift your hips up with a pillow, but there’s no need to make yourself uncomfortable.

Photo: Benny Mazur/Flickr

4. Trying to get pregnant after 35 is virtually impossible

We’re often told that 1 in 3 women aged 35-39 will have significant trouble conceiving, but that statistic comes from a French census from 1670-1830. It doesn’t take a scientist to see that data that old shouldn’t be taken as seriously as it is today. According to Bustle, recent studies have found that 82% of women from the 35-39 age range actually conceive within a year of trying. After 40, however, fertility does drop significantly.

5. Age doesn’t affect male fertility

Women get all the pressure when it comes to age and trying to conceive, while men are usually given the impression that as long as they can have sex, their sperm’s condition doesn’t deteriorate. However, age does affect the quality of sperm. Your Fertility says that it takes longer for a man to get his partner pregnant as he ages. The risk of miscarriage is also higher if the father is over 45. Older fathers are also more likely to have children with autism and learning difficulties, as well as mental health issues.

READ: 9 Childbirth myths that has to stop making the rounds

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Written by

Cristina Morales