Are you for or against lowering the criminal age of responsibility? Vote through this poll!

The House of Representatives has put up an online poll where you can vote if you're for or against lowering the criminal age of responsibility. Vote below, now.

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The House of Representatives is currently conducting a poll seeking to gather public opinion on the proposed lowering of the criminal age of responsibility from 15 to nine years old.

Lawmakers who have been pushing for to restore the death penalty along with changing the legal age at which the youth will be held responsible for criminal activity.

theAsianparent first came across the poll through a Facebook post shared by netizen Oli Reyes.

“Adult criminals knowingly and purposely make use of youth below 15 years of age to commit crimes, such as drug trafficking,” lawyer Pantaleon Alvarez, one of the law’s proponents, told ABS-CBN news.

Those voting in the affirmative agree that the “the youth should be responsible for their actions and words as early as possible”

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photo: dreamstime

“Are you in favor of the proposal of lawmakers to lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) from 15 to nine years?” asks the online poll.

Voters can choose from three options: Yes, No, or Undecided.

Those voting in the affirmative agree that the “the youth should be responsible for their actions and words as early as possible, and not to unduly pamper them with impunity from criminal responsibility upon reaching the age of nine. It will also serve as a deterrent to the use of youth in the commission of crimes”.

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Those who do not agree with this think that “it violates child rights”

photo: pexels

Those who do not agree with this think that “it violates child rights. Punishing children in conflict with the law (CICL) deprives them of the chance to rebuild their lives and improve their character”.

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So far, the poll has garnered a total of 18,313 responses, majority of which oppose the proposed law—16,504, to be exact. 1,752 voters were in favor of passing the said law, while 57 voters remain undecided regarding the issue.

What do you think about lowering the age of criminal responsibility? Make your voice heard by voting on the online poll on the Congress’ official website.

Learn more about why the criminal age of responsibility should not be lowered, according to Plan International Philippines through the post below.

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READ: 5 Reasons why the age of criminal responsibility should not be lowered from 15 to 9 years old

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Written by

Bianchi Mendoza