LOOK: Inspiring mom is critically ill but still pumps breast milk for her preemies

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A mom with HELLP syndrome is critically ill, but what she continues to do for her babies is truly amazing!

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There’s a rare and special strength that mommies are blessed with. The strength to rise above your circumstances, and to do anything and everything you can, just to make sure your that no harm befalls your baby.

We came upon this moving and absolutely inspiring story of a mom with HELLP syndrome on Facebook, and just had to share it here.

Mommy Melissa, who was pregnant with twins, was hospitalized at 22 weeks for pre-eclampsia. After 4 weeks in the hospital, she developed HELLP syndrome and had to have an emergency C-section to deliver her baby boys. Maverick and Manning were born at 26 weeks 3 days at 2 lbs 8 oz each.

The Facebook post was shared by Melissa’s sister, and shows how brave a mom can be. She writes,”I would just like to publicly recognize my sister. She is currently in the ICU after delivering twins at 26 weeks due to HELLP syndrome.”

What this mom is doing for her preemies, even while being critically ill with liver failure, is nothing short of remarkable, “Even with her liver failing to the point they’ve talked about transplantation, she is still committed to giving her boys the very best by pumping breast milk.”

“One of her babies is extremely critical at the moment. We are praying for a miracle for all three of them. I know it’s not been easy for her with everything going on, but even when she physically struggles to pump, she still does with the help of others.”

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“Here is her pumping while I assisted. She was on 4 different IV meds as well as many other orals. She even was refusing pain meds to try and make sure there was no concerns with the milk her micro-preemies got. She is amazing.”

It’s a long and tough journey ahead, and little Maverick is still in critical condition, but the family are hopeful that all three will recover.

The story immediately struck a chord with readers, and to support Melissa and her babies, a Go Fund Me page has now been set up.

We hope and pray that this mommy and her babies recover soon.

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What is HELLP Syndrome?

HELLP syndrome is a life-threatening liver disorder thought to be a type of severe preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a pregnancy condition categorized by high blood pressure and increased protein in the urine. Like preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome can develop during pregnancy or after delivery.

About 10% to 20% of women who have severe preeclampsia develop HELLP.

HELLP stands for:

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  • Hemolysis, which means red blood cells are broken down or destroyed.
  • Elevated liver enzymes, which is a sign that the liver isn’t working properly.
  • Low platelet count, which means that you may not have enough platelets for your blood to clot.

Symptoms of HELLP syndrome include:

  • Headache
  • Vision problems
  • Pain in the upper right abdomen (liver)
  • Shoulder, neck, and other upper body pain (this pain also originates in the liver)
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Seizures

HELLP syndrome can be life-threatening for both the mother and her unborn baby. A woman with symptoms of HELLP syndrome requires emergency medical treatment.

Delivery is the only known way to reverse HELLP syndrome. Vaginal delivery is often possible, but a cesarean is used if the mother or fetus is not medically stable.

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Most women begin to recover from HELLP within a few days after delivery. But for some women, especially those who have had complications of HELLP, it can take longer.

source: Go Fund Me, WebMD

This article was originally published on theAsianparent Singapore

READ: What you must know about Preeclampsia

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Written by

Melissa Lobo