Drinking caffeine when pregnant: Is it safe or kick the habit?

Drinking caffeine when pregnant: Acc. to research, pregnant women who consumed more than 200 mg of caffeine have higher risks of miscarriage.

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Find out if it’s okay for pregnant women to drink caffeine during pregnancy here…

Drinking caffeine when pregnant: Is it safe or kick the habit?

There is a growing body of research which suggests to cut down on caffeine to maintain proper health. This is especially true when a woman is pregnant. Till yet, there has been no agreement on what levels of caffeine are safe for a pregnant women. However, there is consensus that women who are trying to conceive and those who are already pregnant.

There are many conflicting studies on the subject of establish a safe caffeine ingestion level for pregnant women. The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology published in its March 2008 issue, that women who consumed more than 200 mg of caffeine per day during their pregnancy, are at a 100% higher risk of having a miscarriage. Therefore most doctors recommend that a woman should not consume caffeine during pregnancy or even during the time when she is trying to conceive.

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