Father of four dies after receiving serious injuries from exploding mobile phone

A CEO and father of four has died as a result of injuries from an exploding mobile phone that was being charged right next to him.

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In some sad news, an exploding mobile phone resulted in the death of Cradle group (Malaysia) CEO Nazrin Hassan. A piece of shrapnel from the phone reportedly caused his untimely demise. While the incident is heartbreaking, it serves as a reminder to all of us about mobile phone safety.

Exploding Mobile Phone Causes Dad of Four’s Tragic Death

Nazrin Hassan has been known as a staunch supporter of startups in Malaysia.

Nazrin Hassan, the CEO of Cradle, a company which provides funding for tech startups, died because of an exploding mobile phone on June 14.

“The post-mortem report concluded the cause of death as being complication of blast injuries attributable to an exploding handphone that was being charged next to him,” Cradle’s management shared.

A family friend had shared that Nazrin complained of a migraine and went to bed after taking medication.

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His mobile phone was charging beside him when the phone overheated and exploded. The explosion allegedly caused blunt trauma to his head, which led to his death.

The explosion also set fire to the mattress he was lying on. However, he had already died by that time according to his brother-in-law.

He Leaves Behind His Kids and His Wife

Nazrin has been integral in the development of startups and companies in his native country of Malaysia.

He started the Cradle Investment Program (CIP) as a means of providing assistance to up-and-coming entrepreneurs. Nazrin was also known in Malaysia as the “godfather of startups.”

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Nazrin is survived by his wife, Samirah Muzaffar, their young son, three stepsons, and a son from a previous marriage.

Mobile Phone Dos and Don’ts!

These days, mobile phones make our lives much more convenient. Our mobile phones allow us to quickly get in touch with one another, and the various apps allow us to basically do everything we need to, with just one touch.

However, it’s important to know that cellphones can also cause harm. That’s why parents should be aware of the dangers and risks that smartphones can pose.

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Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Stop overcharging your phones. Not only does overcharging cause your battery to deteriorate, it can also cause your phone to overheat. Overheated phones have the potential to explode and cause serious injury. Leaving it plugged in can also increase the risk of fire in your house.
  • Avoid buying cheap phones or used mobile phones. That’s because cheap phones are made with substandard materials, and have the potential to heat up or explode simply from use or from charging. The same goes for used phones, since you’re not sure if those phones have been damaged before.
  • Teach your children to use their mobile phones responsibly. Like everything, mobile phones have a time and place, and being glued to their phones won’t do your kids any good!
  • Never use your mobile phone while driving. Driving and using your phone can cause accidents, so you should never do it!
  • Be clear about your children’s phone usage. Make sure that they’re using their phones to call and text, and for schoolwork.
  • Limit their time on their phones. Don’t let your child have their phones beside them 24/7. Set aside a time where you keep their phones so that they can “disconnect” and not be constantly glued to their gadgets.


Source: The Star Online

Photo screencapped from: YouTube

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READ: Girls dies from electrocution while using earphones in charging phone

Republished with permission from: theAsianParent Singapore


Written by

Jan Alwyn Batara