Father's Day Special 2015: James and Jackie Go

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Behind the successful blog "Go Jackie Go" is a woman with a caring and supportive man. Get to know more about Jackie and her main man, James Go, in this special Father’s Day interview.

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More than being a model, a brand ambassador and one of Manila’s most popular lifestyle bloggers, Jackie Go is a loving wife and a hands-on mom. Motherhood, for Jackie, is something that has allowed her to pursue what she is really happy to do – Be a stay-at-home mom and a blogger.

She believes that family comes first, and motherhood goes hand in hand with being a wife. “Everything I do, I always put into consideration my children, which I know all moms do,” she says. Behind this successful woman is a caring and supportive man. Get to know more about Jackie’s main man, James Go, and their family in this special Father’s Day interview.

jackie go

Photo courtesy of Jackie Go. Taken by Louie Arcilla.

1. How did you and your husband meet?

It’s very typical. We have common friends and eventually we started stalking each other on Friendster. Yes! From there we started messaging each other and eventually, we decided to meet up. Did I mention he courted me for a year? I have strict parents and they insist we date the traditional way. He would go to our house on weekends, would accompany me when I have a shoot. I remember there were times that we’d watch a movie with my mom as our chaperone!

2. Could you please share a summary of your love story leading to your wedding day?

So after a year of courting, his friends planned a trip to Boracay. They insisted for us to go but we figured we won’t be able to join them since I have strict parents. But then James’ friends urged him to try to make paalam to my parents.

Even though there was a slim to none chance, he took it and surprisingly, my dad allowed us to go. During our second year of dating, we were curfew and chaperone free. On our 3rd year as boyfriend and girlfriend, and my last year in college, he proposed to me one summer morning and I said yes!

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Juggling school work and wedding prep was not easy. Although I was such a chill bride because I let my then fiancé take charge in almost all the major decisions of our wedding. So much so that he booked our church and reception venues a bit far from each other. The church was Manila Cathedral, the reception was in Glass Garden.

3. What are three things you learned from your husband during the early period of marriage?

  • If he’s sleepy, he can sleep anytime, anywhere, even if he’s sitting down.
  • He is very meticulous when it comes to cleanliness, especially in the bathroom. So much so that if he thinks it’s not clean enough, he’d gladly clean it, no questions asked.
  • He really wanted to start a family as soon as we got married.

4. What were your plans regarding children?

We love kids and couldn’t wait to have our own. I grew up with my nieces and he has seen them grow while we were dating. We were really trying to get pregnant during our first few months as newly-weds. There were a few false alarms that gave us mini-heartbreaks, it wasn’t until our 6th month being married did we find out we were pregnant!

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5. What was his reaction with your first pregnancy and what was he like until you gave birth? Has it changed with succeeding pregnancies?

He was over the moon because we’ve been trying for 6 months. He was an uptight soon-to-be-dad and really focused on my pregnancy. He was more strict than my OB-GYN! He would ask me to just rest and take it easy.

When I gave birth, he became an uptight-hands-on-dad. He helped me during the first few months as we both adjusted. I think every new parent finds it challenging- to tread the unknown world of parenthood. I saw it in his eyes how much he loves our daughter and how she gave him more reason to wake up everyday with a smile on his face.

During my second pregnancy with our son, it was the same. We were planning on trying to conceive in 2012 but to our surprise, I was already one month pregnant by December 2011. The joy & excitement he felt was the same when I first got pregnant, but it was accompanied with anxiety and a bit of a worry as to whether or not we were fit to become parents of two children.

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Click “Continue Reading” for more on Jackie and James Go. 

Photo courtesy of Jackie Go. Taken by Louie Arcilla.

6. What are some of the qualities that you like about your husband as a dad? 

He’s very hands on. He knows how to balance being a disciplinarian and being a cool dad. I don’t think there’s a good cop/bad cop when it comes to parenting our children because we believe it takes balance for it to work.

He’s also a good provider and he works hard to make sure that we have just what we need to live a comfortable life. He also likes surprising them just because. Weekend at the beach, or a trip to the toy store because they’ve been good kids.

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7. What are 3 qualities that your children like about their dad?

“He lets us order what food we want to eat”- Jasmine

“He lets us swim in the pool or at the beach on a hot day” -Jasmine & Juro

“He’s my best friend”- Juro

8. What is his parenting style and how does it differ from yours?

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He’s a man of few words but when he speaks, the kids really listen. He is at times very strict and he’s also a worrier even if it really doesn’t show. I’ve been asking him for an out-of-the-country or even out-of-town date with him but he’s having a hard time leaving the kids with his parents. I guess it’s his way of showing how much he cares for them.

9. What are 3 parenting tips that you learned from your husband?

  • To not sweat the small stuff.
  • To be present.
  • To enjoy the little things in life.

As cliche as they may sound, coming from him it really makes a difference. So I really try hard to remember these tips from my husband.

10. If you could send your husband a message, what would you say?

Hi hun! Happy Father’s Day! Thank you for being a wonderful dad to our lil’ GJGs. For guiding them through, by leading through example and for always maintaining a balance when it comes to parenting.

For supporting me and our children through our endeavours, you’ve always been a spectator, cheering us from the sidelines. I know you don’t really like celebrating Father’s Day, but this tim around, we like making you feel extra special (apart from your birthday) because you’re one amazing dad. Cheers to having more moments and making more memories together as parents. I love you!

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