Fertility Boosting Foods

If you are having trouble conceiving, try making a few minor changes to your diets. Here is a rundown of 5 Fertility-boosting foods that you should definitely add to your meals.

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Food that boosts fertility

Fertility Boosting Foods

If you’ve been having difficulty conceiving a baby, you might want to try a few changes in your diet — specifically by adding a few (or all!) of these fertility-boosting foods in your regular meals.

Oily fish

Oily fish such as herring, mackerel and salmon are great sources of essential fatty acids, which are involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are responsible for promoting sperm mobility as well as a healthy sperm count.


Garlic contains selenium, a mineral that may help to minimize the risk of miscarriage in women and is also said to improve male fertility. It also contains vitamin B6, which regulates hormones and builds your immune system.

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Honey has been used for centuries to boost fertility. It contains amino acids and minerals that are good for the reproductive system.


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Spinach, and other leafy vegetables, provides your body with folic acid. Folic acid is an essential ingredient for healthy sperm and ovaries, and for preventing neural tube defects during the early stages of pregnancy.

Spinach also has iron and vitamin C, two components that enhance the quality of sperm.


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Avocados are full of vitamin E, which has been shown to boost both male and female fertility. They’re also abundant in antioxidants, which may help slow down ovulation decline that is age-related ovulation. They may also help increase the fertility of sperm.


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