It’s always important to eat healthy, but maintaining proper nutrition is especially crucial during pregnancy, as you’re not just looking out for your health, but your baby’s as well. One easy way to make your diet healthier is by adding fruit—at least 2 cups a day.
Though you can drink fruit juice and eat canned or dried fruit, consume them moderately as most of these have a lot of added sugars.
As long as your fruit is washed properly, most pregnant women can’t go wrong with fresh and ripe fruit. Unwashed fruit could contain traces of pesticide, as well as bacteria from soil. However, if you have pregnancy complications like gestational diabetes, you should keep a closer eye on your blood sugar levels and ask your doctor about the kinds of fruit you should avoid.
Here are the kinds of fruit that you should be eating while pregnant, according to LiveStrong:
Fruits rich in fiber
Plenty of pregnant women get constipated, and hemorrhoids can be expected. One way of curbing these common symptoms is by adding more fiber into your diet. Some fiber-rich fruit are:
- apples
- pears
- bananas
- kiwis
- oranges
Fruits rich in Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron—a vital mineral for your baby’s development. Thankfully, it’s easy to find fruits rich in Vitamin C. Some are:
- oranges
- lemons
- grapefruit
- strawberries
- honeydew
- cantaloupes
To find out about the other kinds of fruit you should be eating while pregnant, click to the next page.
Fruits with folic acid
Folic acid is important for the proper development of your baby’s brain and spinal cord. It’s recommended that women should consume 400 micrograms of folic every day for a month before even trying to conceive, and maintaining this amount through the pregnancy. These fruits are excellent sources of folic acid:
- oranges
- pineapples (avoid eating too much pineapple as too much can soften your cervix, leading to early labor)
- avocado
- papayas (avoid unripe, which can cause premature contractions)
Fruits with potassium
Cramps are common during pregnancy, but you can prevent them by making sure you’re consuming enough potassium. This mineral also helps maintain the fluid and electrolyte balance in your baby’s cells. Some potassium-rich fruits are:
- bananas
- kiwis
- cherries
- peaches
- watermelons
- grapes
READ: A guide to eating fish while pregnant
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