4-Year-old girl severely abused by her own father: Child abuse must stop

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The tragic story of a girl beaten by her father has touched the hearts of netizens online.

We look up to our fathers as heroes, as protectors. Sadly, there are some men who do not deserve the title “father”, like the one in this story.

Heartbreaking images of a 4-year-old girl beaten by her father are making the rounds online, with some netizens likening her story to that of Cinderella.

4-year-old girl beaten by her father: Why did he do it?

girl beaten by her father

The little girl’s arm shows clear signs of abuse.

Reportedly, a visiting relative saw the girl’s condition, and took the photos.

Her father reportedly chained the girl to a toilet and forced her to wash his clothes. Her eyes were so badly bruised that she had a hard time keeping them open.

She had cigarette marks on her back, and her arms showed signs of abuse.

Numerous cigarette marks were on her back.

The child’s father reportedly chains her up in the bathroom before leaving the house at 6 or 7 am. He returns at 10-11pm to feed the helpless child.

In addition, the relative said the father was also an alcoholic.

The girl’s relative reported the abuse and within an hour, local authorities rescued the little girl. The father has been arrested, and the 4-year-old ‘Cinderella’ is now being treated at a hospital.

Here at theAsianparent, we hope with all our hearts that this little girl is getting the care she needs and deserves. We also hope she heals from the scars of this trauma.

Preventing child abuse

It’s very important for children to live in a healthy and safe environment where they can grow and learn. Abused children are also helpless, so it’s up to us to do something about it.

It’s everyone’s responsibility to do what they can in order to prevent child abuse.

Don’t hesitate to report abuse as your actions can save a child’s life.

Always remember, if your gut instinct tells you something is wrong, it probably is. Don’t ignore it — it’s always better to safe than sorry.

Source: Metro

Photos screencapped from: Metro

READ: Emergence of child abuse video stresses importance of kindergarten safety

Republished with permission from: theAsianParent Singapore


Written by

Jan Alwyn Batara