Homework tips from homeschooling moms

Homeschooling moms share their tried and tested homework tips for moms who tutor their traditional-school kids.

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Moms who tutor their traditional-school kids know it’s one of the most challenging tasks to face each school year. Now that school is back, here are a few tried and tested tips they can learn from homeschooling moms about helping kids with assignments and studying.

If your child is interested in art or sports, show your support and encouragement

Tip #1: “Encourage them where they are showing their proficiencies, be it academic or not.” – Michelle Padrelanan, insurance advisor and a homeschooling mom for 12 years

Michelle recommends that parents focus on what their children are good at, and not just on areas where they struggle. She feels that there will be less drama at study time when kids enjoy what they are doing, particularly things they are good at.

“Although we desire the best for our children, and that can sometimes include pressuring them to do well in school, remember that your child’s grades are not the end all and be all of his life,” says this mom, who is presently homeschooling three children, aged 16, 10 and eight years old.

Homework tip: Give examples not found in school books and relate lessons to real life.

Tip #2: “Try to give examples that are not in the book.” – Marge Aberasturi, virtual assistant and a homeschooling mom for 7 years

When Marge explains concepts that her children have a hard time understanding, she does so by applying these lessons to real-life situations. At present,she is homeschooling two of her three children, one in the fifth grade and the other a seventh grader.

“At home, even the simple act of stirring milk can be an opportunity for learning centrifugal force,” she shares as an example. You can be creative and teach fractions while slicing fruits or teach addition using a kitchen scale.

When you apply a teaching style that works for your child, the learning comes easily.

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Tip #3: “You have to know your child’s learning style so you can tutor effectively.”- Racquel Guevara, a full-time homeschooling mom for 9 years

It makes a difference when you choose to teach your child in a method that is effective for him or her. “If your child is a kinesthetic learner, you might have to do lessons via games, [outdoor] activities. If visual, use pictures, drawings or charts. If auditory, allow them to listen to music while studying or use audio books,” shares Raquel.

She made sure to apply this as she home schooled her two daughters. At present, Racquel continues to teach her 13-year old, while her 16-year old has already graduated from high school.

Empower bigger kids in their learning and ask analytical questions that make them think.

Tip #4: “Let them take charge of their own learning.” – Milona Barraca, a homeschooling mom for 5 years

With bigger kids, give them freedom to set their study schedules and due dates for tasks that they need to accomplish. Milona applies this when homeschooling three of her children, aged 11, eight and five.

“Just follow up and check on their progress,” says Milona. “Coaching and facilitating their learning worked better for us than teaching them.”

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As part of her homework tips, she recommends asking open-ended questions. “What do you think? Are you sure? Is that right?” are some examples she gives. Then empower your kids to seek answers from various resources, including Wikipedia, YouTube, Khan Academy, and other websites related to their lessons.

Read on for more homework tips from homeschooling moms.

Rushing straight into homework after class may not be an effective way to tutor your child.

Tip #5: “Give your children a breather.” – Donna Donor, event director and a homeschooling mom for 6 years

Donna’s homework tips for moms who tutor are to relax and give kids a breather before diving into homework or study time. “When they come home from school, parents should give them time to rest first before doing homework,” shares Donna, who is presently homeschooling her 9-year old son.

You could serve snacks or ask your children to bathe first to put them in a more relaxed mood and prepare them to take on their assignments.

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Cooperation is a key ingredient to effective learning. This starts with agreeing on a study schedule with your child.

Tip #6: “Come up with an agreed schedule.” – Christine Amador, stay-at-home mom and homeschooling for 5 years

Instead of nagging or forcing them to start on their school work, set a schedule for homework and study time that you agree on together.

“It can help the kids become more independent,” shares Christine, who home schools her two children, aged 11 and eight. “Then you can supplement lessons with reading books or stories about the topic you need to review.”

Keeping kids involved and allowing them to make decisions helps you gain their cooperation at study time.

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Tip #7: “Include your child in the goal setting and decision making.” – Kat Agdeppa-Santiago, stay-at-home mom and homeschooling for 2 years

Kat finds that getting her four year old child’s cooperation early on by including him in the decision making makes it easier for them to take on their weekly lessons. “I tell him the list of lessons we need to cover for the day or week, then I let him choose which activities he’d like to do first. Then ask him when he’d like to do the others,” she shares.

One of the homework tips that most parents agree on is that study time should be fun.

Tip #8: “Make the time of learning fun.” – Mich Nicolas, editor and a homeschooling mom for 5 years

“For me, as a homeschooling mom, the goal is not so much for my son to just memorize stuff or get to know the facts or finish a worksheet for the sake of finishing it. It’s for him to understand the lesson and to enjoy it. And of course, to enjoy time with his mommy also,” shares Mich.

She makes use of music and toys to keep her seven year old son interested in the lesson. She also uses different voices when reading him stories. Mich has learned that maintaining a fun environment makes learning more effective and less stressful for them both.

What homework tips can you share with other moms based on your experiences?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Patricia de Castro-Cuyugan

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