Dad, you can do these 10 simple acts to help boost your wife's breast milk supply

How can my husband help with breastfeeding? Well, this is of the concerns of our breastfeeding moms. Dads, here's a guide for you.

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Mommies, we know that breastfeeding can be a hard task for some of you and with the physiological factors that can greatly affect your milk supply, it can get really frustrating.

What can you read in this article?

  • Factors that can affect a mother’s breast milk supply
  • Ways on how you can boost breast milk supply
  • How can my husband help with breastfeeding? Simple ways dads can help their wife

Having a partner or husband that can support you when breastfeeding can really lift some weight off of your shoulder and potentially help you to produce more milk.

Maybe you are wondering sometimes, “How can my husband help with breastfeeding?” when it is only you that has to do the breastfeeding. But with the factors surrounding you that can affect your condition in producing breast milk, this is where your husband or partner came through.

This article is made to help husbands and partners of breastfeeding women know how they can help in boosting a mother’s breast milk supply in the simplest ways.

Continue reading so you can be educated on topics such as the factors that can affect a woman’s milk supply, ways of boosting milk production, and tips on how to help your wife.

Factors that can affect a mother’s breast milk supply

There are many factors that can affect the milk production of a mother and their breast stimulation. This leads to problems of having insufficient milk supply for the baby which is bad as a growing baby needs your milk as their main source of nutrients for growing.

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The factors that can affect a mother’s breast milk supply are categorized into 2 factors.

1. Maternal factors

  • Physiological factors play a big role in breastfeeding. It includes the quality of food and drinks they consume or their physical health
  • When experiencing emotional stress or anxiety, causes a decrease in the milk production
  • Breastfeeding mothers who are new in pregnancy or first-time mothers
  • Poor nutrition of the mother
  • Experiences separation anxiety such when the mother goes back to work
  • Wrong breastfeeding position
  • Mothers who have a medical condition such as hormonal imbalance and diabetes that can affect the milk production
  • Had a breast injury or surgery in breast or nipple

2. Infant factors

  • When the baby refuses to feed on their mother’s breast
  • Some babies’ sleep for a long time due to medical conditions and this leads to delayed or long intervals of feedings
  • When a baby has a weak suction
  • Overstimulation
  • Some babies are stressed or distracted

4 ways on how you can boost breast milk supply

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Here are multiple ways you can do to boost your breast milk supply:

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  1. Breastfeed more frequently

The number of times you feed your baby greatly affects your milk supply and it is said that emptied breast is much keener to produce more supply of milk than breast that is not emptied.  Also, make sure your baby latches and feeds from both sides of your breast to stimulate both breasts’ stimulation.

  1. Pump more often

Try pumping every interval of feeding or after your baby-nurses. Make sure to do it frequently so your breast will get stimulated to produce more milk. Warming your breast could be helpful for easier pumping and adds more comfort for you.

  1. Lactation food and lactation cookies

Eating several types of food can help you to produce more milk, these are food such as soups and hot drinks. However, did you know that there are also available lactation cookies you can avail of? The ingredients used in these cookies are linked to boosting milk supply.

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  1. Supplements

There are many available in the market now that can help boost your milk supply. However, before taking any supplements, talk to your doctor about what is best for you to take.


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10 simple ways your husband can help you when you are breastfeeding

Many physiological and emotional factors affect the milk supply of a breastfeeding mother. It is good to support her during these times. Breastfeeding is a special moment for a mother and child but this doesn’t mean you can’t join them.

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Instead of letting your wife do all things and let them wonder “how can my husband help with breastfeeding?” Make sure you know all the things you can help in even before your baby was born.

Stress, tiredness, and anxiousness are big factors that can affect your wife’s breast milk supply so make sure you do the things we listed to ensure your wife’s and baby’s wellbeing.

  1. Be there for her when she’s breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be a tough and demanding task especially for a new mother so make sure that you are there with them to assist them. 

Your wife would always try to figure what position to feed your baby so make sure you hold your child while she does so. Always ask her what she’s comfortable on and which side does she like to feed her baby.

  1. Protect them and manage your visitors

Family, friends, and even neighbors! These people might want to come over and see your child, after all, who can resist a cute little newborn baby?

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None I suppose. During this time, especially the first-time mothers, your wife might not want any visitors for a peep show when feeding your baby.

Some mothers found it especially uncomfortable and embarrassing and even stressful to feed their baby in front of other people. At these times, make sure you manage your visitors or even before they visit especially if you have limited space where your wife can feed your baby (e.g. hospital room when the baby was just born). Make sure to be the buffer to entertain visitors especially the ones who don’t know when to leave.

  1. Let them rest and sleep

Breastfeeding is a strenuous and demanding task for a mother especially in the early days as they still try to establish their milk production by frequently feeding your baby.

This is exhausting for your wife which is why you should handle and care for your baby during the intervals of their feeding and make your wife rest.

You can take charge of things such as making your baby burp after the feeding or holding your child when she’s pumping her milk. Make sure to always look out for her and give her time to rest when she needed.

  1. Lend a hand at house tasks

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After your child was born, household chores seem to multiply and pile up, this is the time you can help with the house responsibilities.

Cleaning the house, doing a batch of your laundry, cooking your meals, and even taking initiative in cleaning the breast pumps and bottles is a great way to help and is a sure way to give your wife the rest time she needed.

If you have older children, make use of this time to bond with them as your wife feed and cares for your little one. You can even teach your other kids some household chores if you’re up for it! You did not just make use of this time to do the chores but you also bonded with your kids.

  1. See what she needs and pamper your wife

As we’ve already said, physiological and emotional factors are great disturbances in a mother’s breast milk supply. Is your wife stressed? Tired? Anxious?

Make sure to be there to ask what she needs and pamper her. Always refill and remind her of her drinks, bring her snacks, or even provide relief through massage. Either way, your presence in this demanding time would be appreciated by her.

  1. Support and encourage her at all times

Breastfeeding does not only causes tiredness to a mother, sometimes it is even emotionally challenging. There are many problems that may occur during the breastfeeding process such as latching problems, these are the times where your wife needed your support and encouragement to make sure she will feel that she’s not alone on the journey of parenting.

Involving yourself in the process of breastfeeding will alleviate some of her worries and you can also keep a watch on her whether she developed some postpartum depression, anxiety, or other mental issues.

  1. Be there during night feedings

Some mothers experienced anger when they saw their husband or partner sleeping soundly at night or early dawn while they are awake caring for their child and feeding.

Make sure you wake up when they do their feeding and show your support and care for her. You can offer anything that she needs even if she declines and make her comfortable, your presence is a huge help in this situation.

  1. Let her take the lead and don’t rush them

When your wife nurses your baby, let her take the lead on what she wants to do like what position does she like to feed, where to feed, and how much time is needed.

Do not try to tell your wife what should she do and rush her into feeding your child. It is not your place to do so and it is also not safe for the baby.

  1. Communicate with her

Parenthood is something that needed teamwork, every time challenges arise it is better to talk about them than ignore them. Make sure you two have great communication with each other especially when you are struggling.

If you want to help then ask if you are having a problem then talk, if you are not handling your new dynamic as a parent then communicate. Many future problems will be avoided if you talked about them earlier on time.

  1. Study about topics of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural thing to do however, husbands and partners of a nursing mom might still be confused on some things about it. It is still not too late to pick up a book or even a class to know what you are curious about.

Do not be shy to learn about it and remember that that information is something you can use to better understand and help your wife.



Healthline, Dispensaaire, WicBreastfeeding

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