How to get rid of bad breath? 5 easy steps you can try

There are people who spend their lives popping mints and brushing vigorously, but they still have bad breath. Read to find out how you can get rid of it.

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Do you have bad breath and wonder even though how many times you brush your teeth the foul smell is still there? In this article, we will talk about bad breath and how to get rid of it. 

What is bad breath? 

Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath, is an embarrassing condition to have because most people don’t even know that they suffer from it! When accustomed to your smell, one cannot tell when something is off so an individual suffering from bad breath may have to rely on the kindness of family or friends to point out this problem to them.

As embarrassing as that may be, the good news is, once detected, one can quickly remedy it and be rid of bad breath for good!

What causes bad breath?

Bad breath is usually caused by the food that we eat. For instance, expect your breath to smell differently after having beer and onion rings. Stay away from coffee (if you can), Indian curry, horseradish, garlic, and tuna sandwiches, as all of these are known to make people’s breath stink.

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Apart from your choice of food, there are also medical conditions that may trigger a bad case of halitosis. These are usually related to dental hygiene and periodontal care. Gum diseases, untreated tooth cavities, dental appliances that do not fit your mouth properly, yeast and other bacterial infections of the mouth, an excessively dry mouth, a tooth abscess, and broken teeth are some known causes.

Symptoms of bad breath

Symptoms of bad breath may vary depending on the cause. Other people might have little or no mouth odor at all. But some people are not aware that they have bad breath. 

Generally speaking, it’s hard to really know how our breath smells, ask your spouse, a close friend, or family members to confirm if you have a bad breath. 

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Who are more at risk to have a bad breath? 

Don’t be too suprised to have a bad breath if you love eating too much garlic, onions, and other spices. Furthermore, people that are smoking are prone on having a bad breath so does people who have GERD and other mouth diseases. 

How do you get rid of bad breath?

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Some people spend their lives popping mints and brushing vigorously but still have bad breath. This is because they are unable to identify the cause of their problem. Knowing why you have bad breath is winning half the battle. The next thing to do is to try the following steps towards fresher breath:

  1. Make sure that your mouth is always clean. Brush properly and carefully when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed at night. Bacteria breaks down food caught between the teeth and release foul-smelling gases at the same time.
  2. Floss after brushing to pick out any leftovers from the hard-to-reach areas between your teeth. Your brushing routine should not be a ten-second thing.
  3. Keep yourself hydrated at all times. If your mouth is dry, bacteria begin to grow in it. Drink lots of water; it is beneficial for your oral and overall health.
  4. Avoid food that causes bad breath, such as those listed above. Food with strong flavors, like onions and garlic, can cause temporary halitosis. Don’t ruin a perfect date by ordering offensive dishes!
  5. Try using mint-flavored mouthwash twice a day. Not only will it help get rid of bad breath, but it will also help keep your breath fresher for a longer period.

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Your oral health is very important. Going for regular dental care can help you avoid the embarrassment of having bad breath, not to mention that doing so will give you a beautiful, fresh smile.


Additional information from Marhiel Garrote 

Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.

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