10 No-Fail Tips to Increase Breast Milk Supply
10 No-Fail Tips to Increase Breast Milk Supply
Whether it’s your first or fifth child, you sometimes wonder if you are producing enough breast milk to feed your baby. You might even be thinking about measuring your baby’s milk intake and worrying that you’re not producing enough.
The truth is, only a very small percentage of women cannot produce enough breast milk to feed their babies. Over time your body will adapt to the nursing needs of your little one, but in the meantime, there are ways to increase breast milk supply that may involve slight changes in your nursing routine.
Click "Next" for 10 ways to increase breast milk supply.
1. Nurse your baby frequently at regular intervals
One of the most effective non-food ways to increase breast milk production is to nurse frequently. The aim is to remove as milk as frequently as possible because breastfeeding stimulates your hormones to produce milk. In other words, the more your baby demands for milk, the more the supply will increase.
2. Express milk in between feedings
Another way to stimulate your body to produce more milk is to express milk in between feedings. This can be done by hand or by using a breast pump. The expressed milk can then be stored in your refrigerator or freezer and given to your baby as needed.
3. Massage your breasts
Massaging your breasts when you are not breastfeeding or pumping can also help to increase breast milk supply. You can do this when you are taking a bath or even during feedings — or ask your partner to help you.
4. Drink plenty of fluids
One of the first things on your mind after giving birth might be to diet and lose weight ASAP. However, when breastfeeding it’s important that you eat the right amount of food with a diet containing foods rich in carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals.
Breastfeeding moms shouldn’t go through weight loss programs or restrictive diets because it can affect breastmilk production and leave you feeling weak. If you’re conscious about the weight you’ve gained during pregnancy and want to get back into shape without compromising breastfeeding, consult your doctor.
5. Eat a balanced diet
One of the first things on your mind after giving birth might be to diet and lose weight ASAP. However, when breastfeeding it’s important that you eat the right amount of food with a diet containing foods rich in carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals.
Breastfeeding moms shouldn’t go through weight loss programs or restrictive diets because it can affect breastmilk production and leave you feeling weak. If you’re conscious about the weight you’ve gained during pregnancy and want to get back into shape without compromising breastfeeding, consult your doctor.
6. Take supplements or continue to take prenatal vitamins
It’s important that you get the necessary nutrients your body needs while you nurse your baby. One way of ensuring this is to continue to take multivitamins or the vitamins you took while you were pregnant.
There are also many herbs that are known to help to increase breastmilk production, i.e. galactagogues like fenugreek and alfalfa.
7. Avoid or lessen exposure to stress
Research has shown that stress and lack of rest can decrease breast milk production. Therefore it’s essential that you try to get enough sleep each night and avoid activities that may cause you stress.
This may be easier said than done, especially when you're a new mom adjusting to the routine of caring for and nursing a newborn. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help if you need it.
8. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine
Remember, everything you eat, drink and inhale can get into your breastmilk, so avoid these substances while you’re breastfeeding.
9. Talk to a breastfeeding consultant
If you feel that you’ve done all you can to increase your breastmilk supply but it still hasn’t improved, you may want to consider talking to a lactation or breastfeeding consultant. Seeing certified breastfeeding counselors may also help.
10. Eat oatmeal daily
Eating a serving of oatmeal every day has traditionally been known to increase breastmilk supply. Although no research has been done to establish this as a fact, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant Kelly Bonyata says that many women have reported better milk production after including oatmeal in their daily diet.
10 No-Fail Tips to Increase Breast Milk Supply
What are the things you’ve done to increase your breast milk supply? Please share them in the Comments box below!
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