5 easy hacks to help kids memorize phone numbers and house address

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Here are some quick hacks to teach your child phone numbers and also help them memorise the home address.

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One of the most important lessons that you need to teach a toddler is to memorize at least one of their parent’s phone numbers and the home address. This is an exercise to help prepare your child for a situation where they get separated from you.

What can you read in this article?

  • How to teach phone number to a child
  • 5 practical hacks for parents

God forbid, but in this situation, it’s important that your child can share this basic information so that they can receive help.

If you have been stressing about how to teach a phone number to a child, then we’ve got you covered with some easy hacks.

How to teach phone number to a child: 5 practical hacks for parents

1. Try it with a song

Toddlers love to sing songs and that’s a great way for them to absorb new information. So try teaching a phone number with a tune that is already familiar to them. It’s a great method to teach at least of the parent’s phone number to the child.

For instance, Parent Hacks recommends using the “Mary Had A Little Lamb” tune but you can use any tune. Just remember to be consistent with it and soon they will start reciting the phone number with ease.

Sing a Song method works well in helping to memorise the address as well. Songs help with memory and recall due to their repetition value. Considering that addresses have a lot of information for the toddler to absorb, breaking it down into songs will make it easier for your child to remember them.

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2. Popsicle stick and clothespin game

This game will teach your toddler the phone number by matching the numbers on the clothespin with the numbers on the popsicle stick.

How to play?

  • Lay the clothespins out in the order of the phone number.
  • Your kid will then match them to the numbers on the popsicle stick.
  • Take the popsicle stick away.
  • Your toddler will then use the clothespin in the order of their parent’s phone number.

This is a great activity as not only does it allow for toddlers to engage with visual aid, but they are also reinforcing the learning of numbers. At the same time, they are working on the gross motor skills by opening up the clothespins.

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3. Use abacus and counting cubes

Image courtesy: iStock

Some parents use abacus to teach their kids phone numbers. You can also use counting cubes, number magnets and even Lego bricks to practice your phone number and address. The best is to go out and try out new things.

4. Create a 3D phone and 3D home

Having a visual aid is often a great way to be able to recall any piece of information. So when your toddlers are learning phone numbers, you can try this with them.

How to create a 3D phone?

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  • Use milk or a juice carton that makes a good size for your toddlers to work with.
  • Cover it with paper and then draw a keypad on the paper
  • Then show your kids the numbers they need to dial if they want to call up ‘Mama’ or ‘Daddy.’

This will not only help them learn the phone number, but they will also know how to dial on the phone as well.

How to create a 3D home?

  • You can use cardboard and white sheets to make a 3D home for your toddler. Draw windows and doors and other prominent features of your house on that craft home.
  • Discuss the address and then write in on the house.

Make sure to involve your child in these activities. It will help to enhance the learning of your child. Your kid will now remember the address they live in more clearly since they have a visual to relate it with.

5. Real-life lessons

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Let your child practise dialling your number on a real phone. Initially, they will take time to find the location of the numbers, but will soon be able to call using a cellphone. It’s also a great time to teach your kids how to place a call on a cellphone.

Be ready for some wrong dial ups. But at least you know who is to be blamed for it!

Republished with permission from theAsianparent Singapore

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The Asian Parent