Alan Yip, founder of Mind Edge and author of best selling book – FUNtastic Parenting, on raising hyperactive kids:
“Regarding children who are hyperactive, first of all please don’t use the term hyperactive, because hyperactive is a negative lable, encouraging children to be hyperactive. We need to change the lable for the term to energetic. My child is not hyperactive. Never let some one mislable your child. Instead say, ‘my child is energetic, my child has a lot of energy!’
Now we focus on how to channel the excess energy to constructive and creative use. If the child cannot sit still, ask your child to walk around holding a book, doing some reading. I do that, I can’t sit still for too long. It doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with us. It just means that our learning styles are different. We learn in a unique way, with a unique pace. So if your child cannot sit still, no problem, get your child to stand up. For example, do some spelling in the air. A-P-P-L-E. Now he is using his body, she is using her physical movement. This is one constuctive way to channel the energy to conducive use.
What you need to do is focus on your child’s learning styles, likes, dislikes,aspiration, dreams, hopes, fears and so called problems. Focus on the unique strength and qualities. Help your child blossom to become a confident, self reliant, motivated and happy individual… starting from the pillars of strengths and not from the deficits or weaknesses.” – Alan Yip, Founder of Mind Edge.