Itchy vagina? What causes it and how to take care of your vagina

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One of the most delicate sections of our bodies is our vagina. An itchy vagina can be caused by a number of factors including poor hygiene.

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It is common for people’s skin to itch occasionally. It could be caused by the rash, or it could be caused by something irritating the skin. But what if your vaginal area is itchy? Is it necessary to be concerned straight away? Find out what causes itching genitals and how to treat them.

What can you read in this article? 

  • Itchy vagina and what causes it
  • How to take care of your vagina
  • Home remedies for itching in private parts of a female

One of the most delicate sections of our bodies is our vaginal area. As a result, when we sense something unusual in this area, we become concerned and find it difficult to act.

Let’s look into the causes of an itchy vagina and what can be done to alleviate the problem. Here are 12 causes of vaginal itching:

What may be the reasons behind an itchy vagina?

Effective remedy for an itchy vagina | Image from Freepik

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Some itchy vagina can have accompanying symptoms like a discharge or a foul smell while some have no discharge, just itchy.

1. Effect of waxing, or shaving

The area around your vagina is very sensitive. So if you wax or shave it often, it is possible that the skin will get irritated and you will have an itchy vagina.

The solution here is to use creams or lotions to protect your skin after waxing or shaving. You can also reduce the frequency of waxing and shaving, so as not to irritate your skin.

2. Beauty treatments

In today’s era, having beauty treatments is not just limited to the face. Even different parts of the body have their own treatments – including the vagina.

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There is vaginal steaming and other masks that are put on the vagina. But according to Mary Jane Minkin, clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at Yale University, it’s not necessary.

These types of treatments only cause irritation to the vagina and are better avoided.

3. Urinary Tract Infection

Having a urinary tract infection or UTI is also one of the causes of an itchy vagina. A UTI is usually contracted when bacteria enter the urinary tract, including the urethra, kidneys, ureter, and bladder.

Some of the symptoms of a UTI are frequent urination, genital irritation, a hot or painful feeling when urinating, or foul-smelling urine.

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When you have a UTI, it is good to go to the doctor to give you the right antibiotic that will cure your illness.

4. Hormonal changes and perimenopause

When your menstrual cycle arrives, hormones change your body. One effect of this is having dry skin on your vagina.

Perimenopause, or the period before menopause begins, is also a cause of dry skin on the genitals. This is due to the lowering of estrogen levels in your body.

So it is good to use gentle and unscented moisturizers to avoid dry skin and avoid itchy vagina.

5. Lichen sclerosus

Lichen sclerosus is a type of skin disease such as eczema and psoriasis. It is a white rash that is itchy and is often seen on the genital or anal part of the body.

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When you think you have this condition, it is a good idea to consult a doctor so that you can be given the right medicine for this disease.

6. Pubic lice

Like head lice, pubic lice cause severe itching. The irritation comes when lice bite your skin, and also because of the eggs, they lay on your skin. It causes irritation so those with pubic lice itch.

The solution to pubic lice is to use an anti-lice cream or lotion and proper washing and cleaning of your bed and the underwear you wear.

But to be sure, it is good to consult your doctor to find out what is the fastest and most effective medicine against pubic lice.

7. STD

Not all sexually transmitted diseases or STDs have irritation symptoms. But there are STDs, such as genital warts, that cause irritation.

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Genital warts are an effect of the HPV virus, and it changes the pH level in the vagina. Because of this change, the genitals develop dry skin and irritation.

Apart from genital warts, other STDs that cause irritation are chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes at trichomoniasis.

So it is important to see a doctor when you experience severe genital irritation, to make sure it is not a symptom of a more serious illness.

Photo from iStock

8. Yeast infection

Yeast infection comes from the type of fungus Candida. This is the most common cause of the itchy vagina.

Its symptoms are the presence of a discharge similar to cottage cheese, redness, and irritation of the genitals.

Although irritating, yeast infection is easy to treat, and all you need is an over-the-counter antifungal cream. If the infection is severe, it is better to consult a doctor so that they can prescribe stronger medication.

9. Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis occurs when you have tried a new product on your skin, and your skin is not allergic to it. It causes dryness of the skin and itching.

And of course, it also happens on the skin in the vagina. This usually happens when you try a new napkin, feminine wash, shaving product, condom, or lubricant that is allergic to your skin.

It is best to avoid products with added perfumes or fragrances to avoid contact dermatitis. Taking a bath with Epsom salts, or using a cream with OTC hydrocortisone, also helps to relieve the irritation.

10. Eczema o psoriasis

Skin diseases can also be caused by irritation in your vagina. This includes eczema and psoriasis.

Eczema is a san shia allergy or problem with the autoimmune system. The symptoms of eczema and psoriasis are redness of the skin and the presence of severe irritation.

Treatment for such diseases takes a long time, and sometimes requires lifelong medication or the use of gentle skin products. It is also necessary to consult a dermatologist to find out the most appropriate method of treatment.

11. Bacterial vaginosis

Vaginal itching and white discharge is the main symptom of Bacterial vaginosis. When a woman’s vagina has a pH imbalance and there are too many bacteria in it, she develops bacterial vaginosis. This disease is common in pregnant women.

But often irritation is not the main symptom of bacterial vaginosis. Often you will first have a discharge, a foul odor, and an uncomfortable feeling in your vagina.

Taking antibiotics and using over-the-counter medications helps to relieve the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.

12.  Vulvar cancer

In rare cases, an itchy vagina can be a symptom of cancer. Vulvar cancer is a serious disease that begins in the vulva, the outer part of the vagina. This means itchy vaginal lips including the inner and outer lips of the vagina and the clitoris.

Although not all cases of vulvar cancer show symptoms, if any, these include abnormal bleeding, pain or irritation of the genitals.

Vulvar cancer can be treated if it is treated early when it is just beginning. That is why it is very important to visit your gynecologist every year.


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How to take care of your vagina

How to take care of your vagina| Image from Freepik

When you are experiencing severe itchy vagina, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as a strange odor and discharge (other than clear white in color), pain, difficulty urinating, and a feeling that is anxious and interferes with your lifestyle, you need to consult your gynecologist.

To prevent itchy vagina, we need to practice proper care and cleaning of our vagina. Here are the things we should keep in mind:

  • Use warm water and mild soap or cleanser when washing your vagina.
  • Avoid using scented soaps or lotions on this part of the body.
  • Avoid using vaginal sprays and douches.
  • Change underwear immediately after swimming or exercising.
  • Use cotton underwear and avoid wearing tight bottoms.
  • Make it a habit to change underwear every day.
  • Eat foods with live culture bacteria such as yogurt to reduce the possibility of yeast infection.
  • When having sex, use protection such as a condom
  • When you have a bowel movement, make it a habit to wipe from the front, the vagina, the back, and the anus.

Home remedies for itching in private parts of a female

Home remedies for an itchy vagina | Image from Unsplash

Here are 10 home remedies for itching in private parts, as enumerated by Healthline.

1. Bathing in baking soda

Yeast infections and itchy skin can both be treated with baking soda baths.

According to a 2012 study, baking soda has antifungal effects. According to a 2014 study, baking soda killed Candida cells, the same cells that cause yeast infections.

The National Eczema Foundation recommends using 1/4 cup baking soda in your bath or making a paste out of it and applying it to your skin to treat eczema.

In a 2005 study, baking soda baths were found to be an effective treatment for psoriasis.

2. Eating Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is a common home remedy for yeast infections. Probiotic yogurt promotes the growth of “good” bacteria in the vaginal region. By destroying yeast, these bacteria can help keep your vagina healthy.

3. Wear cotton underwear

Cotton underwear can help relieve vaginal or vulvar discomfort. Cotton underwear is breathable, which means it may help with itchy skin relief.

Wearing 100 percent cotton underwear may help prevent yeast infections since yeast thrives in poorly ventilated areas.

4. Bathe in apple cider vinegar

If you check for ways to reduce an itchy vagina on the internet, you’ll probably come across apple cider vinegar as a solution.

Many individuals believe that soaking in a bath with apple cider vinegar will help with a yeast infection. It’s also a tried-and-true home treatment for itchiness.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much data to back up this assertion. Nonetheless, it’s a low-cost therapy with no known negative effects to try.

5. Take probiotic supplements

Probiotics can help boost the amount of “good” bacteria in your vaginal environment, which is beneficial to vaginal health.

Probiotic supplements, such as capsules and tonics, are available at drugstores and health food stores, as well as online. These promote the growth of good bacteria in the vaginal and gastrointestinal tracts.

6. Use coconut oil, antifungal cream, or cortisone cream

According to a 2016 study, coconut oil can help battle Candida albicans, which causes yeast infections. However, because this study was carried out in a lab, there is little evidence to suggest that it would work in humans.

If you’re suffering from a yeast infection, there are a variety of over-the-counter antifungal treatments that can help. They kill the yeast, which helps to relieve the itching. They can also be taken as vaginal suppositories, which are placed into the vaginal canal.

Cortisone cream may be your best bet if you’re itchy after shaving your pubic hair. Eczema, allergic skin problems, and certain rashes can all be treated with this.

It calms and lessens the irritation. However, Cortisone cream should never be used inside the vaginal area. It can only be used on the skin around the pubic area where pubic hair grows.

7. Practice good hygiene

An itchy vagina can be avoided and alleviated by maintaining adequate vaginal hygiene.

When it comes to vaginal and vulva washing, sometimes little is more. Because your vagina cleans itself, all you have to do is wash the outside of your vagina – your vulva — with warm water.

There should be no fragrant soaps, gels, or cleansers utilized. Even those marketed as intimate cleaners or feminine hygiene should be avoided. Vaginal douching should only be done after consulting with your doctor.

Douching and over-washing your vagina and vulva can cause itching. Soaps and perfumed products can cause irritation in the vaginal area, leading to allergic reactions and infections.

There are a variety of home remedies for itching in the vaginal area. Some of these therapies might work better than others.

Remember, Mommies, don’t be shy to consult your doctor when you notice something unusual in your vagina or any part of your body.


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Written by

Margaux Dolores