“I can’t stop comparing myself to other moms”

Remember: motherhood isn't a competition

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Why is it that moms can’t stop comparing themselves to other moms? Other moms seem to have it all together—they have the most well-behaved kids, shiny hair, the best clothes, and a great bod to boot.

One theAsianparent Community user talked about how bad she felt after seeing how other moms were able to buy top-of-the-line baby products for their kids:

Here’s what the theAsianparent Community community had to say.

Remember that everyone is different.

Though other moms may seem to act like it, motherhood isn’t a competition. We all want what’s best for our kids, and what’s good for one child may be different for another. What’s important is that you give your kids what they need the mostyour unconditional love and care.

“Like kids, mums are different,” Ester E. said. “It’s nice that they have multiple breast pumps and enjoy high teas but I think what matters most is how much your kids adore you. If you feel uncomfortable, perhaps you should think about joining other groups that have the same interests as you.”

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Serene C.L. agreed, reminding the original poster that if she really wants to buy some of the products, she can always make a way. “There will always be some who can afford more or afford less,” she said. “Anyway, you can always save up and buy pre-loved for some of the products they talk about. That’s what I do!”

On the next page: don’t believe everything on social media; there are more things to life than money.

Remember: Social media doesn’t give us the entire picture

It’s easy to present the image of an ideal life online, but nobody’s life is perfect. We should always remember to be thankful for what we do have.

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“No need to envy,” wrote Aylicia T. “Those mummies I know who keep flaunting their branded lifestyle, sadly 90% have a pathetic life where the husbands do not help, kids have problems, etc.”

Money isn’t everything

“Just because you cannot afford the best most expensive things or classes for your child, it makes you a bad parent,” said Hana D. “A lot of us receive conflicting messages about whether or not to prioritize academics and other accomplishments or, instead, give our children free time, freedom, and free range to explore their environment. Always remember that the best you can do for your child is to give them unconditional love which most of us fail to do. Maybe the best you can do is to leave the group and find another that is able to bring out the positivity in you.”

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READ: Why do I constantly compare myself to other moms?

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Written by

Cristina Morales