How can moms and dads deal with having nosy neighbors?

Nosy neighbors are something that all families will inevitably have to deal with. So how can moms and dads deal with this problem respectfully?

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So, you and your family just moved into your new home, and you’ve finally settled in. But suddenly, you notice that your neighbors seem to be always talking about you behind your back.

How can moms and dads deal with nosy neighbors without coming off as too rude?

Tips on dealing with nosy neighbors

Regarding gossip, sociologist Gerald Abergos shares, “Kaya ka natsi-tsismis kasi they haven’t seen you in a level na you are a person of higher value.”

“There are things that you have to do to show them na you don’t deserve that (tsismis), na kagalang-galang ka,” he adds.

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Here are some useful tips:

  1. Call ahead and schedule a calm talk with your neighbors. Make sure not to instigate a fight, but instead be open and have a mature discussion.
  2. Don’t accuse them of spreading rumors, as that can only make things worse.
  3. If they have a habit of snooping on you, why not trying planting a hedge or erecting a fence in order to dissuade them from being too nosy?
  4. Be good neighbors. If you act respectfully and are nice towards everyone else, then your neighbors wouldn’t have any reason to snoop on you or spread nasty rumors.
  5. If you don’t have a civil relationship with your next-door neighbors, you can try and talk to your other neighbors, ones you have a good relationship with, to act as a mediator.
  6. Do your best to be friendly with them. You might not like all of your neighbors, but you have to understand that you’re going to live with them for a long time. So it’s still best to try and have a positive relationship with them.
  7. Just ignore them. Sometimes, it’s just best to not pay any attention to people spreading nasty things about you. It’s always better to focus on the positive things in your life and not spend any time worrying about negativity.


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ALSO READ: Is your maid gossiping about your family? Here’s what you can do about it

Written by

Jan Alwyn Batara