Take a second to think about this: what’s the most attractive/desirable quality about your husband or wife?
Got your answer? Good.
Now, how sure are you that what you find sexiest abut your spouse, is the same thing others feel about their spouse?
In a study called “Personality and mate preferences: Five factors in mate selection and marital satisfaction”, published in the Journal of Personality, researchers sought to answer that question.
In the survey, taken by 200 newlyweds and over 100 college students in relationships, researchers asked participants what traits and qualities they found most attractive in their partners.
To gather the most descriptive data possible, the study participants were presented with a series of 40 trait pairs such as “timid-bold,” “emotional-unemotional,” and “stupid-intelligent”, to name a few.
Participants then picked which of the two adjectives they preferred in a spouse. Additionally, researchers also asked participants about their own personality traits….
Here’s a look at what both sexes value most in their partners, ranked in order of occurrence:
What you may have noticed, moms and dads, is that while there seems to be a widely believed misconception that men and women value completely different things in their spouse, 17 of the 20 traits are shared!
Of course there were a few apparent differences in the lists. For example, women listed qualities like lenient, flexible, and generous as desirable traits. Meanwhile, men listed even-tempered, creative, and practical.
Women also preferred more dominance in their partners, and more agreeableness.
Generally speaking, this seems to suggest that most men and women are looking for people who share similar qualities to themselves. In other words, what we look for most in a partner is compatibility.
Want to learn more? Check out the findings of an additional study about compatibility! Visit page two for more!
In a 2007 study from Monmouth University, researchers found that personality can make a big difference in whether someone finds you aesthetically pleasing.
This is, of course, in contrary to what many people seem to believe. Let’s find out more about how this study proves that some people are less superficial than they come off as…
In this study, groups of young men and women were asked to judge strangers’ yearbook photos.
As it turns our the subjects of the study were more likely to rate subjects as “physically attractive”, a “potential friend”, and a “potential date” when the images were paired with positive personality traits.
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