Mother/photographer captures her unique experiences with breastfeeding

This mommy/photographer created an amazing collection of photos to express her thoughts and experiences with breastfeeding!

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Anna Ogier Bloomer, a New York City photographer and mother, has worked fervently to encapsulate her daughter’s early years on camera. Using her talents as an eccentric photographer, the mother captured a handful of gripping photos that span her daughter’s first two years.

Source: Anna Ogier Bloomer

The photos of Bloomer’s daughter, Violet, and herself have been grouped together to create an amazing collection which Bloomer calls Letdown. Anna chose the interesting name of the album in reference to “the physiological ‘letdown,’ the release of milk triggered by the suckling of a child, becomes the central allegory the ineffable undertow of feeling that runs between a newborn and the woman who has borne her.”

Read more about Anna’s experiences, and see more of her powerful photographs by clicking next!

Every pregnancy and subsequent plunge into parenthood is unique. However, Bloomer’s collection is particularly intriguing because of the tone which she aims to achieve. Her message is that of tiredness; her aim was to encapsulate the fatigue brought on by motherhood in the early years.

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Source: Anna Ogier Bloomer

Anna admits when her daughter was born, she was unprepared for the infant’s insatiable appetite. When asked to describe the process of feeding constantly, Bloomer said it was “incredibly exhausting”. Nevertheless, this mother decided she would use her talents to express her journey through powerful imagery. Though, she admits it wasn’t easy to balance the project with motherhood.

“I was blown away by how much my body became this other entity, not my own anymore,” Bloomer said of adjusting her body to handling both tasks. “I hardly wanted to pick up the camera,” she added.


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Read more about Anna’s experiences, and see more of her powerful photographs by clicking next!

Bloomer believes that her album speaks on many levels. She claims that Letdown is “about womanhood in a more universal sense; there’s a through-line forever binding her mother to herself and to her daughter.”

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Source: Anna Ogier Bloomer

One issue that Bloomer wished to address with the poignant photographs is the cultural issue of eroticism associated with breasts. Specifically, Bloomer wanted to show that women are still just as “sexy” after having breastfed and the act of nurturing a child doesn’t take away from a woman’s sexual confidence. She claims,“I had a friend who said how strange it is that when you give birth your breasts aren’t sexual anymore, but that’s not accurate. Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.”

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While the album wishes to span and address different issues and themes, one this is sure, Anna is amazed by the bond she has developed with her daughter. When asked about her relationship with her child, Bloomer spoke of the intensity of her passion:“The deep pain I feel when my daughter is hurt or sad is something that doesn’t disappear. I would throw myself in front of a train for her. She’s the flesh of my flesh.”

Let us know what you think of this eccentric mommy’s unique photos and if they speak o you on any particular levels! Be sure to check out the entire album by visiting her website!

This article was originally shared by Feature Shoot.

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