Hi I’m Mommy Babzee and here is my pregnancy story during the global pandemic.
I was on my 2nd trimester when lockdown was announced just a day before I was scheduled to find out the gender of my baby and yes it was rescheduled. When? That’s another question. This is one of the reasons why we decided to keep it to ourselves that I was pregnant because most probably they would ask me the gender.
My pregnancy story during this pandemic. | Image from iStock
Being pregnant during the lockdown
I walked into appointments on my OWN since they do not allow any companions during check ups. I would rent a car or even do a carpool for commuting at that time is not recommendable. Aside from having sweaty hands, heart pumping on my chest praying I wont get bad news I’m also wearing a mask and sanitizing my hands every time I hold on to something. I was scared but I always go home with a smile knowing that the baby is healthy.
Saddened that our surprise pregnancy announcement did not go as planned but still joyous that we were able to share it with our family and friends creatively and virtually. It has also given me time to take my own DIY maternity shoot every week.
Thankful that husband was very supportive from the start of pregnancy. He would let me enjoy making my own content and or crafts. Sometimes he was also the one who would take pictures of me because most of the time I would do it alone. He would eat every time I feel hungry. Z also understands that he is going a “kuya” and loves to hold my tummy.
Pregnancy depression: Read this mom’s pregnancy story about antenatal depression!
Things that I reflected on
I choose to reflect on all things positive and sweet. Focused more on things that I can do and enjoy my pregnancy journey while staying home and waiting for baby to come out.
Before I gave birth I also had my swab test done (required and requested by my OB) ,I was nervous at that time but I’m glad my husband was there. We got the results a few days later. The results? Negative. The waiting game started right after we got the results. I’m getting the best medical care I need that’s to my OB for always checking up on me even on Sundays.
A day before I gave birth. I told my OB that I had a blood discharge but not feeling any labor pains but as per experience she knew that I have high pain tolerance so she asked me to meet her in the hospital. A few hours after the check up I had a vaginal breech delivery. Surprising right? I never expected that too.
Anxiety and stress during pregnancy is very common especially during this time.. However, if you feel anxious most of the time and find it difficult to relax, you may need help. Trust yourself to be the best judge in determining if your stress levels are normal and don’t be afraid to seek help to ensure a healthy pregnancy.⠀
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