Myths about 'smart parents' that you shouldn't fall for

Sometimes, you need to stop trying so hard to be a 'smart' parent, and just do things your way!

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Oftentimes, you’ll see advice online saying “This is what smart parents do,” or “Smart parents do things this way.” While it’s important to learn more about parenting, it’s just as important for parents to focus less on trying to be a perfect parent, or the best parent, and more on doing what the know is best for their children.

There’s really no right or wrong when it comes to being a parent

Some parents get too obsessed with getting parenting ‘right’ that they fail to understand that when it comes to parenting, there are really no hard and fast rules that parents should follow.

Of course, it’s important to give your child all the love and care that they need, as well as guide them correctly and teach them the skills that they need in order to make it in life. But aside from that, your parenting style is uniquely your own. No one has the right to tell you that you’re raising your kids wrong, or you’re not a good parent just because you’re doing things differently.

Judgmental moms and dads are making parenting worse by constantly pointing out other parents’ ‘mistakes’. Yes, you’ll make some mistakes as a parent, and yes, you’re not perfect. But it’s important to also remember that learning from those mistakes help you become a better person and a better parent.

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At the end of the day, it’s all about your child

The most important thing to remember is that it doesn’t really matter whether you’re doing things by the book or not.

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You need to understand that you’re doing everything for your child, and that regardless of what people say, your child’s growth and development is what’s most important.


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Written by

Jan Alwyn Batara