While bad manners should never be encouraged, there are commonly negative behavior that can be turned into positives. Setting too many limits on your child can cause more harm than good, because what parents see as “acting out” often is a normal, and necessary, part of their growth and development.
Check out these commonly negative things you should actually encourage your child to do.
1. Throwing a fit
Crying is your child’s way of expressing their frustration when they still lack the language to fully explain their emotions just yet. Find a way to deal with it and show them there is no shame in crying.
2. Being greedy
Though sharing is an important value kids must learn, they must also learn how to set boundaries. For instance, if they don’t want to lend a playmate their favorite toy, give them an alternative: ask them to share another toy instead.
3. Saying “no”
Don’t force your child to do things she’s not comfortable with. Allow them to assert themselves, but also explain calmly why they need to do as you say.
4. Being noisy
Allow them to be laugh loudly and sing songs with gusto; this is a normal part of a happy, carefree childhood!
5. Being afraid
Having fears is a kid is natural. It’s important for you not to negate these fears nor shame kids for feeling them. Encourage them to communicate why they are afraid and work through it together.
6. Keeping secrets
Older kids, in particular, or those in their tween or teen years, need to be allowed a certain amount of privacy. This establishes trust and helps them become more comfortable to open up to you more when they are ready.
7. Feeling jealous
If they’re upset or feeling jealous of, say, a sibling. Let them express themselves without judgment. Listen intently and genuinely empathize before rushing to give advice.
Your kids are allowed to have negative feelings and to assert their boundaries. As they grow, they are constantly testing their limits and becoming more independent. Give them roots as much as wings, as well as the freedom to be themselves—flaws and all.
READ: 7 Natural behavioral traits in kids parents mistake for being pasaway
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