3 biggest fears of new moms

Worrying if you’re a good mom is a sign that you want what’s best for your little one. Overcome your biggest fears with a little bit of know-how and a whole lot of love. 

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Taking care of a child is a task unlike anything you’ve ever encountered. It can be overwhelming to be responsible for another person’s life. Imagine, this little person looks to you to make sure that he or she is healthy and happy. 

Having new mom fears about not doing enough for your child is natural — no one worries more than a mom. But rather than living in a state of fear, face your concerns head on by solving each with action. 

1. My baby’s starving — I’m not feeding her enough! 

Hearing your baby cry is heartbreaking for any mom. Remember though that your child’s tummy is tiny in the newborn stage – about the size of a walnut – and he or she needs very little to feel satisfied. Even when your baby is a little older, this still holds true. If your child has just fed and is wailing, check for other signs, like a soiled diaper, or the need to burp, or maybe it’s time for a nap. You’ll eventually figure out your child’s feeding routine and know when your child is already full. 

2. I’m not exposing my baby to germs or viruses outside, ever!

A baby’s immune system is built throughout time, and it requires infection to make it stronger. Germs and viruses are simply a part of life, but you can prepare your child to avoid the worst. For starters, children are protected from serious illnesses through scheduled vaccinations with your health provider. Having your child vaccinated can help to relieve your worries.

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To help you get over this fear, prepare for what you can. Whenever you bring your child outside or to public places, be mindful about your child’s surroundings. Make it a habit to bring mosquito repellant and a jacket for chilly weather. Remember to protect kids from exposure to extreme weather, and to avoid crowds. 

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3. I don’t know how to properly bathe my baby without irritating their skin! 

Maybe you’ve read one too many stories about babies getting into accidents while bathing. Or maybe your friend told you about a deadly allergic reaction to baby products that sent a baby to the emergency room. 

The first thing you need to know is these instances are unlikely to happen if you are careful. And secondly, if you choose your baby products well, you won’t have to worry. Bath products made especially for your baby’s skin, like Baby Dove, contain safe ingredients that have low potential to cause redness or irritation. The line of Baby Dove products come in two kinds – Rich Moisture, which helps moisturize skin with a delicate scent, and Sensitive Moisture, which is fragrance-free for babies with extra-sensitive skin. Baby Dove has a wide range of products from hair to toe wash, shampoos, bathing bars, lotions to baby wipes. 

For newborn baby care, save yourself time in the bath by choosing a hair to toe wash. A few drops of the wash placed in a washcloth or directly on the head or body is more than enough to clean up your little one. As your child gets older, you may use Baby Dove Shampoo and Bathing Bar  to adapt to his or her changing skincare needs. 

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Baby Dove is available in leading supermarkets and drugstores nationwide. To learn more about Baby Dove, visit our Baby Dove site on Lazada.  

Also read: A survival guide for new moms

Written by

Vince Sales