Since she announced her pregnancy in April, Olivia Wilde has shared gorgeous photos of her baby bump. On August 3—Bump Day—she posted a photo of herself in just a bikini and a hat, asking her followers to support the Reach Act “so all moms have healthy pregnancies.”
It’s not the first time that the 32-year-old actress has shared a photo of her baby bump in just a bikini. In July, she posted a photo of herself cooking eggs in her kitchen, positively glowing.
She and her partner, actor and comedian Jason Sudeikis, have one son, Otis.
Two baby bumps. This is too adorable.
Click to the next page to see how Olivia Wilde dresses up her baby bump!
Wilde also knows how to dress up that baby bump. This more recent photo shows Wilde in a cute vintage dress from the 1970s. She wrote that she looked like “Homer Simpson ate Little Miss Sunshine,” but I think we can all agree that she’s doing herself an injustice there.
Wilde’s caption for this stunning photo with Emily Blunt? “The breeders.” This woman is hilarious.
At the CFDA Awards, she wore a gorgeous Rosie Assoulin dress that featured “a window so the babe could clearly hear Beyoncé’s speech,” as she captioned her photo.
Pregnant or no, we can all learn a thing or two from Olivia’s confidence and style. We can’t wait to see her baby when she gives birth!
READ: Olivia Wilde’s son’s love for Beyoncé is beyond adorable
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