8 Possible C-section injuries you should consult your OB-Gyne about

Put your mind at ease by learning more about the following birtha injuries that could happen during a Cesarean section delivery.

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Childbirth, regardless of how it is performed, comes with its set of dangers. While normal deliveries come with certain risks, Cesarean section has its own possible complications.

For some moms, C-section may be the best option, specifically in cases of placental problems, breech position, umbilical cord issues, fetal distress, uterine rupture, preeclampsia, diabetes, genital herpes, or multiple births.

Here are some possible injuries you should consult your physician about on your next visit.

Fetal Lacerations

These are cuts, bruises, scrapes, or other injuries accidentally inflicted on an infant during delivery via C-section. Make sure to express any concerns about this to your doctor or surgeon in order for them to assure you that they will perform the procedure to the best of their ability.

Infant breathing problems

Infants delivered via C-section are more prone to developing abnormal breathing patterns, like slowed respirations or respiratory distress syndrome. Make sure to ask your doctor what measures they have in place to avoid further problems should this occur.

Delayed C-section

This usually happens when fetal or maternal distress isn’t detected early, thereby resulting in a late scheduling of C-section. Make sure to find out how they plan to monitor you once you go into labor. Delayed C-section can result to brain damage, physical injuries, developmental delays, and even death.

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Anesthesia injuries

When a C-section is performed, doctors can choose to give pain relief medications through spinal or general anesthesia. Make sure to consult your doctor about possible allergies to medication. Anesthesia-related injuries include low blood pressure, blood clots, internal bleeding, headaches, placenta previa and placental abruption.

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Surgical injuries

Though rare, maternal injuries can happen. This occurs when a nearby organ is nicked or cut accidentally during procedure, like the urinary bladder. This may require further surgery and cause stress to a new mom, putting her at a higher risk for infection.

Maternal infection

After a C-section, there is a risk of infection. This is why proper wound care and hygiene as well as prescribed antibiotics are needed. Possible infections include streptococcus, endometritis, or high fever.


Severe blood loss is a risk with this type of surgery, so any bleeding must be closely monitored and kept under control. In severe cases, blood transfusion may be required. But this is a rare occurrence.

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Blood Clots

Clotting is a common risk post-CS, but it can be prevented through close monitoring and early ambulation, or walking within 24 hours after the procedure. Blood clots are a serious risk, as they could break off and travel to other parts of the body—like the heart, lungs, and brain.

sources: BirthInjuryGuide.org, AmericanPregnancy.org, Healthline.com, CNN Health

READ: Vaginal Birth After C-Section (VBAC): Risks and complications

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Written by

Bianchi Mendoza