Pregnant women injured in hospital bus crash

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Yesterday (July 26), a Mount Alvernia Hospital shuttle bus with 26 passengers, that was travelling towards Bishan, slammed into a bus stop on Braddell Road in Singapore according to The Straits Times.

Among the 13 people who were injured in the crash were two pregnant women (aged 26 and 33). They were taken to KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital with leg pains.

It is reported that the other victims are thought to have suffered minor injuries, and the driver, suspected spinal injuries. Nine of the injured (including the driver) were taken to Tan Tock Seng Hospital, and the remaining two, to Raffles Hospital.

Others involved in the accident were taken to the Mount Alvernia 24-hour walk-in clinic for check-ups, say reports.

Too fast?

An eyewitness said that the bus had been travelling quite fast, and after veering off the road, was found “sitting on the pavement – taking up its full width – wedged under the broken rain shelter, facing the wrong direction.”

The bus, part of the free, regular shuttle service provided by Mount Alvernia  was badly damaged and caused a litter of debris to be strewn everywhere.

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Mr Kelvin Soon, the general manager of Bus-Plus Services Pte Ltd (a subsidiary of SMRT) which operates this service said, “We are sorry that this has happened. We are doing our best to get in touch with all the injured parties to provide assistance. We are also helping the police with their investigations.”

While bus services were disrupted yesterday due to the accident, they are back to normal today. Police investigations are still ongoing.

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Stay safe and vigilant on the roads, whether you are driving or a pedestrian.

Staying safe on the roads

I shudder when I think about just how devastating this accident could have been. What if there were people at the bus stop, or walking on the pavement? What if there were children, mothers, babies, families?

Thankfully, this was not the case but the accident certainly serves as an eye-opener to everyone.

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It reminds all of us driving vehicles to: 

  • Stick to speed limits; speeding is a huge no-no;
  • NEVER use mobile phones while driving;
  • Stay focussed on the road, and alert at all times;
  • ALWAYS have children strapped in age- and weight-appropriate car-seats/seat belts;
  • Not let kids (even if older) sit in the front seat.

It reminds all of us on the roads to: 

  • Hold your children’s hands at all times, while walking on pavements, while crossing roads;
  • Advise your helper and all other caregivers of your children about road safety rules;
  • ALWAYS keep your stroller well back on the pavement, when waiting to cross the road;
  • Stay alert at all times, when at bus stops or walking on the pavement, whether alone or especially so with kids.

Share your thoughts on this accident with us, and also your own road safety tips, in a comment. 

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Reference and images: The Straits Times, Channel NewsAsia

Republished with permission from: theAsianParent Singapore

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Written by

Nalika Unantenne