Sure-fire ways to prevent your kids from fighting all the time!

Let's face it, fighting among siblings is inevitable. But are your kids fighting too much? Save yourself from a headache by following these tips!

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Sibling rivalry is unavoidable. There will always be a point in your life where your kids will start fighting. However, what can a parent do if their kids start fighting all the time?

1. Ask them why they’re fighting

The first, and most obvious thing to do would be to ask them why they’re fighting in the first place. Chances are, it’s because of something petty, so what you can do would be to point out that their problems can easily be solved if they keep their cool, and talk to each other about it.

2. Let them share their feelings

Sometimes, kids fight because they’re frustrated or angry. Talk to your kids and let them share how they feel. Understanding where your kids are coming from can really help you in dealing with their anger, as well as their frustrations. It can also help them understand their sibling better, so that in the future, fights can be avoided.

3. Compromise

In some cases, you might need to ‘pick a side’ so to speak. Let’s say you older child took one of your younger child’s toys, and won’t return it. In that case, your older kid is wrong, so you might need to show them and let them understand that what they did was wrong.

Maybe you can ask your older child to ask permission the next time they want to borrow toys. You can then talk to your younger child and ask them if it would be okay for them to share. Compromise is important in keeping your kids happy, and also lets them understand that they can’t always get the things that they want in life.

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4. Be patient

Sometimes, you really can’t stop your kids from fighting, as hard as you try. Some kids really can be hard-headed, or persistent, which is why it’s very important to be extremely patient and try to understand where your kids are coming from.

You can’t always appease your kids, and sometimes they just need to let out some steam. However, it’s always best to make sure to defuse any situation in your home before it escalates. You don’t want your kids to think that fighting or arguing with each other is normal behavior.

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Written by

Jan Alwyn Batara