Quiz: How well can you handle tantrums?

Tantrums can throw most parents off-guard. Think you have the skills to manage tantrums? Take this quiz to find out for yourself!

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Do you know how to prevent tantrums?

Tantrums are one of the things that parents dread most. However, some parents can handle them better than others. Are your tantrum handling skills up to snuff? Try it out by taking this quiz!

What do you do if your toddler has a meltdown in the supermarket?

Give your toddler cookies.

Calmly tell your toddler that his or her behavior is inappropriate and then let him or her cry.

Promise your toddler that you’ll buy ice cream.

Your child gets antsy while waiting in the doctor’s office. What should you do?

Read books or any age appropriate reading material in the office.

Give your child crackers or food in case they might just be hungry.

Your child keeps waking up in the middle of the night. What would you do?

Walk the child back to his or her room.

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Give the child some juice to keep by his or her bed.

Your child missed their naptime while you were out doing errands. What should you do?

Finish up your errands, your child hasn’t started a meltdown yet.

Head home. Tantrums are not cool.

What do you do when your child seems more clingy than usual?

Promise the child that you will play later.

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Stop what you’re doing, and give your child attention.

Give your child a healthy snack.

Your child is sad because his or her big brother is away on a playdate.

Use this as an opportunity to spend quality time with your child.

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Let your child watch his or her favorite TV show.

Your child is scared of getting shots. How would you distract them?

Give your child juice.

Sing a silly song.

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How do you encourage your child to use the potty?

Give them praise every time they use the potty.

Give them candy as a reward.

You need to brush up on your skills.

You need to study more about how to handle your child’s tantrums. It’s best to know how to handle these situations since this is a critical point in your child’s development.

You know just enough about tantrums.

You know well enough about your child’s tantrums, and can handle a few here and there. However, there’s a lot more room for improvement. Keep at it!

You’re a tantrum expert!

You can handle your child’s tantrums with ease! Good on you!

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READ: 8 Things you shouldn’t say to a mom whose toddler is throwing a tantrum

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Written by

Jan Alwyn Batara