Are you at risk of overparenting your child?

Parenting is never easy but with the right tips you can craft meaningful relationships with your kids and also teach them life lessons.

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As a parent, you want to do your best for your child to keep growing happy, independent and successful. But there’s a fine line between doing everything for your kids out of love and giving them enough space to grow and become independent.

After all, trying to do it all can be tiring and can leave you feeling burned out—Your kids' codependence on you could be a sign that you’re overparenting. 

Collaborative, on the other hand, is the opposite. They’re involved in their child’s life, without being domineering or extremely authoritative.

Lady’s Choice is championing collaborative parenting through the #DoItTogether movement, which centered around the idea of doing things together with your kids, rather than doing everything for them, making them feel that they are involved, seen and heard.

Collaborative parents impart lessons and teach them life skills. You respect their choices and pass on values that will help them thrive in life and make good choices. 

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Collaborative parents aren’t obsessed with good grades or pushing them to be overachievers.They trust that by doing co-creation everyday, they have equipped their kids to succeed in life without having to micro-manage each aspect of their lives.

When your parenting style is centered around collaborating with your child, you build a better relationship founded on trust and love. You grow with your child, learning along the way how to be a better parent and child every day. 

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Together with Lady’s Choice, you and your child can #DoItTogether—time to create moments that you and your child will remember for life! Learn more about collaborative parenting and making memories with your child by visiting

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