5 Secrets you can keep from your spouse

Can keeping secrets from your spouse actually be healthy for your marriage? Apparently yes, if they concern these 5 things. Here's what experts have to say.

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Vowing to share your life with someone comes with a responsibility to maintain honest communication with your partner. This openness is often interpreted to mean sharing every little thing, but can oversharing actually be harmful? Where do you draw the line? Does true intimacy mean total honesty? Not necessarily, but there are certain secrets couples keep from one another for fear of hurting them or damaging their relationship.

1. Finding another person attractive

Admiring another person is natural, but when it develops into a crush, should you mention it to your spouse? Some advise against it, as telling them will only legitimize the attraction, giving it much more importance than it should be given.

2. When you think they should lose weight

It's natural for those in long-term relationships to gain a bit of weight, which has often been considered a sign of being in happy relationship! But not everyone would be okay when told they should cut down on carbs. If you think your partner should slim down, it's often best not to tell them straight out. You can cushion the blow by focusing on their health. Remember: weight gain isn't always unhealthy!

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3. Not liking their friends

Even if you can't get along with their friends, it doesn't mean you should let them know. Keep trying or, if you can't really bear to be around them, you can distance yourself respectfully, while still letting your partner bond with them. They're a part of their life, after all.

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4. How your family doesn't really like them

In the same way that you can choose to keep your dislike for their friends a secret, you can also keep mum about how those closest to you doesn't like your partner. This may cause unnecessary strain in your relationship. Just keep showing your affection towards your partner and hopefully, your loved ones will come around.

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5. If you had a dream about your ex

Dreams don't have to be taken too seriously; they're often just the result of faces, sounds, or places we've seen throughout the day. In fact, you can dream 6 to 7 dreams in one night and every face you've ever seen can make an appearance in your dreams. So, don't be pressured to bring up dreaming about your ex, because dreams can just be random and symbolic. It doesn't mean you miss your ex.

It's important not to take secrets lightly, because they can damage trust and ruin relationships. Always strive for honesty in your relationship. These are merely suggestions so as to avoid hurting the one you love and starting a conflict that will just cause further damage.

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Written by

Bianchi Mendoza